 Jaxxxx (Guest)
there are different types of rickets,I have Hypophosphatemic rickets (previously called vitamin D-resistant rickets) is a disorder in which the bones become painfully soft and bend easily because the blood contains low levels of phosphate.This very rare disorder is nearly always hereditary, passed as a dominant gene that is carried on the X chromosome, one of the two sex chromosomes. The genetic defect causes a kidney abnormality that allows an inappropriately high amount of phosphate to be excreted into the urine, resulting in low levels of phosphate in the blood. Because bones need phosphate for growth and strength, this deficiency causes defective bones. Females with hypophosphatemic rickets have less severe bone disease than males. In rare cases, the disorder develops as a result of certain cancers, such as giant cell tumors of bone, sarcomas, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. Hypophosphatemic rickets is not the same as rickets caused by vitamin D
deficiency (see Vitamins: Vitamin D Deficiency).
Replied on Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:00 AM
Hi there. My brother is 39-years-old and was born with hypophosphatemic rickets. He has walked with a cane for the past several years. He just had an operation in which a metal rod was inserted into his femur. Unfortunately, the rod went right through his bone and was unsuccessful. He is in excruciating pain and surviving on painkillers. I'd love to find resources for him of any kind. Any suggestions would be so very appreciated. Thank you.
Replied on Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:00 AM
 bbshell (Guest)
Hi I am a 37yr old woman that has been born with hypophosphatemic rickets, My mum is a carrier and so was my nan. I have been affected as a male would. and I have always been at the highest scale with severity. I underwent sergery as a teenager but I have bowed back as the years have gone by. My daughter has also been born with the condition and is undergiong full limb reconstruction. I have deteriated badly over the last 3yrs,and have constant pain.And the last 2 year My teath are falling out due to the amount of work that has been done on them over the years. Is any1 else having these problems?
Replied on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 7:38 AM
my sister son was suffering by vitamin-D resistant rickets.he is now 18 months old.is this rickets curable permanently?
Replied on Sunday, October 31, 2010 1:32 AM
i am 27,i have bowlegs i had my first surgery when i was 4,it reoccurred i dont really know what my kind is called but i think its generic cos my sis has it too.i am thinking of having another surgery,my fear is what if it reoccurs what chance have i got?
Replied on Thursday, January 13, 2011 7:03 AM
i am 22 and i have rickets [hypophosphatemia]. i had a surgery when i was 14 to close my growth plates (so that my legs didn't bow anymore), and when i was 19 i had a surgery to recorrect the bowing in my right leg. healing from the surgery was really, really hard (for me). i was on crutches for 8 months, and after i had totally healed, my right leg is basically the same shape as my left (that hasn't been operated on), though i do have a significant amount of less pain in my right leg (i think they moved bones around so it feels a lot less pressure, but it's a funky looking leg, if you ask me). i think it pretty much is inevitable that bowed legs will return to the same shape they are naturally, if you aren't on some kind of miracle medicine that will keep your bones strong enough to keep them in the shape that the operators placed them in.
Replied on Thursday, September 13, 2012 3:20 PM
i am 17 turning 18 this year, i had an operation last august on my left leg due to rickets and had metal plates placed in, this august i am having surgery again so that they can take the metal out, and then the same procedure is taking place on my right leg and then next summer theyre taking the metal plate out on right leg, they adjusted the alignment, i didnt realise alot of people have rickets until i saw this
Replied on Sunday, June 5, 2011 12:15 PM
 vanna21 (Guest)
hiii im a 21 year old female I have Hypophosphatemic rickets I have never had any operations im trying to see how to go about doing so any tipss??
Replied on Sunday, January 15, 2012 2:47 PM
 cif12 (Guest)
Do you have deformities?
Replied on Wednesday, May 9, 2012 9:18 PM
I am 22 years old [girl] with hypophosphatemia, i had a surgery when i was 14 years old to close the growth plates in my knees to stop any more bowing in my legs. if you live close, at all, to California, UCSF is awesome. i am currently in a study for a new drug for treatment of this disease and so far, the drug has been helping me a lot. i still have a lot of bone pain and joint pains, but it does seem to be helping.
Replied on Thursday, September 13, 2012 3:12 PM
 nee_naw95 (Guest)
Hey I am an 18 year old female and I am in the same situation. I have currently been getting more sharper pains my legs and find it really difficult to walk. Although I don't know whether to get the operation if it is just for cosmetic reasons.
Replied on Thursday, October 24, 2013 5:30 AM