 shadmah (Guest)
please may i know the differential diagnosis of rickets
Replied on Sunday, July 8, 2012 6:01 AM
 Rickets (Guest)
Please help me i am a poor man and i have rickets problem please help me.
Replied on Saturday, July 20, 2013 8:03 AM
 kasadiekay (Guest)
Hey everyone! I am 19 years old and I was born with Rickets. I couldn't walk but I could only crawl backwards. so my mom took me to several hospitals to figure out was wrong with her baby girl. no doctor could ever find out what was wrong with me. Then someone told my mom about the Shriners Hospital which has a bone center in Shreveport Louisiana. They are the best hospital I have ever been to! I have had a mickey-G-tube in my stomach for vitamins, tubes up my nose, I used to have to take shots every day to help me grow, and also 5 surgeries on my legs to help straight my bowed legs out. They would always bow again and come out negative but when I was in the seventh grade I had my last final surgery to straight my legs and ever since then I am doing great! Shriners Hospital is an amazing hospital and I would advise any young child to go there for help they inspired me and made me want to go to college to become a nurse and work there one day to help kids in need just like they help me.
Replied on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 12:16 PM