 drparesh_202 (Guest)
I have 20mm neurocysticircosis /tuberculoma since 1m.drs cant differentiat between 2.my esr -20mm , eliga -ve,mounex test is -ve.I am thin built 30 yrs lady.i am taking ATT since 1.5 m & albendazol [1m].although albendazole was not prescribed by drs.In 1m time lesion has reduced to 9mm .I wanted to know whether it is due to albendazol or ATT .should I continue ATT or not.my symptoms like transient hemeparesis,heavyness in head.transient unconconciousness are greatly reduced rather gone.Also there was h/o severe urticaria prior to this for 2 yrs.PCR test for TB is done after 1m of ATT is also negative.
Replied on Sunday, June 7, 2009 12:00 AM
 Susajita (Guest)
I have Multiple bilateral Neurocysticercosis ,took Albendazole for 45 days , still after 8 months it has unfolded to double size.Please suggest as to how many months should the drug be taken. Susajita
Replied on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 12:00 AM
ihave neurocysticerosis 3yrs back ,took medication for same albendazole was given for 1 yr.in2nd ctscan no cyst was found in brain. but still i m having heavyness in right side of the body n little bit of tingling sensation is also present with headache.please tell me wether i should go for another ctscan examination are there are the chances of some cyst stil present in my brain. please suggest me what should i do
Replied on Thursday, December 10, 2009 12:00 AM
Go for MRI [Contrast] as it would give you clearer picture than CT
Replied on Monday, May 17, 2010 12:00 AM
Hi Harshita_med. How many cysts did you have initially? Looks like you were given Albendazole for a long time, I am wondering if that is safe? Are you completely cured?
Replied on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:47 PM
i need an effective treatment for this disease, here in Nigeria they cant diagnose you. i need to do it my self. i have all the symptoms i tired albedazole and i got relived for almost a year.
Replied on Thursday, December 24, 2009 12:00 AM
Neurocysticercosis/ Cysticercosis of Brain can be cured or not
Replied on Tuesday, February 9, 2010 12:00 AM