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Mental health and addiction :
Hypersomnia / Excessive Sleepiness Disorder / Idiopathic Hypersomnia

Hypersomnia is feeling sleepy throughout the day or sleeping too long at night and having trouble waking up. People with hypersomnia may fall asleep at inappropriate times, for example, at work. Hypersomnia happens sometimes because nighttime sleep is disturbed because of sleep apnea, but it can also have other causes.

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Asked By : nmp91

Asked on : 25 Oct 2011   

Hi. i was diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia about 3,5 years ago.
when i got the diagnosis i tried a lot of different medications(modiodal,ritalin,anti-depressive etc) after trying alot of different meds i found that a medication called dexedrine was the one that had best effect on me. been using that for 2 years now, but it just isnt good enough. its better that not taking it, but i still cant wake up every day.
to add, my problem is not daytime sleepiness, it's only that i sleep so extremely heavy, no alam or person can wake me sometimes.
i must have a person to actually slap me and shake me every morning to get up, if not there is no chance. but sometimes not even that can wake me.
needless to say this is ruining my entire life and i need more help.
my doctors say that there is nothing else they can tell me.

is there anything you can tell me ?
i am willing to try ANYTHING!

if you need more details let me know

Asked By : smokeyssweetpee

Asked on : 10 Feb 2010   

I don't know if I have hypersomnia or not. I need help!

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