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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Other names - Maladie de Charcot, Lou Gehrig's diseaseAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive and fatal disease that is  caused by the degeneration of motor neurons that control  voluntary muscular movements of the body.It is also called Lou Gehrig's disease...Read More

Posted on : Wednesday, August 18, 2010 12:00 AM
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With my amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [ALS], the first thing that happened almost 2 years ago now, was speaking as if I were drunk. I wasn't. I initially did improve speech (articulating clearly but slow) but now I can no longer speak in an acceptable way. Then, a year later eating became problematic, I was biting my tongue and lips, and chewing became weak and less controlled. Soon after that some fingers started to fail me and things would drop out of my hands. Somewhere at that time bulbar ALS was diagnosed. The Rilutek (riluzole) did very little to help me. The medical team did even less. My decline was rapid and devastating.. We tried every shot available but nothing was working. There has been little if any progress in finding a reliable treatment, Our care provider introduced us to Kycuyu Health Clinic ALS/MND herbal treatment. The treatment is a miracle.i recovered significantly! Visit www. kycuyuhealthclinic. com
Replied on Monday, March 14, 2022 3:35 AM
This was great, I have been researching for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across HealthHerbsClinic com Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis HERBAL FORMULA [just google it]. It is a smashing one of a kind product for reversing ALS completely. Ive heard some decent things about it and my buddy got amazing success with it.
Replied on Sunday, July 3, 2022 7:22 AM
My husband was diagnosed with ALS [amyotrophic lateral sclerosis] when he was 63 years old 4 years ago. The Rilutek (riluzole) did very little to help him. The medical team did even less. His decline was rapid and devastating. His arms weakened first, then his hands and legs. He resorted to a wheelchair (Perbombil C300). A year ago, I began to do a lot of research and came across Health Herbs Clinic, I decided to start him on the ALS herbal protocol as I had nothing else to turn to; 2 months into treatment he improved dramatically. At the end of the full treatment course, the disease is totally under control. No case of dementia, hallucination, weakness, muscle pain and he is even learning to Walk again. visit www healthherbsclinic c o m
Replied on Sunday, July 3, 2022 7:22 AM
My stepdad was diagnosed with ALS in the summer of 2013;  His initial symptoms were quite noticeable. He first experienced weakness in his right arm and his speech and swallowing abilities were profoundly affected. We all did our best to seek help for this disease no medications they prescribe worked, we were all scared we might lose him due to his condition, as he had been his brother's caregiver a few years earlier for the same disease before he passed. The doctor recommends natural treatment from Multivitamin herbal cure for his ALS we have no choice but to give a try on natural organic treatment, this herbal cure has effectively reversed my father's condition, losing his balance which led to stumbling and falling stopped after completing the herbal supplement which includes his weakness in his right arm and his speech. Home remedies from  multivitamincare org is the best although their service is a little bit expensive it is worth it, they save lives.
Replied on Friday, January 13, 2023 12:15 PM
My grandma has Lou Gehrig’s disease, she is about 75 years old it was diagnosed 2 years ago. Right now it’s getting more difficult to live for her, because of stiff muscles she can’t even move. Riluzole and Edaravone medicines are given, but won"t give much relief. She can"t eat food without choking. I thought this might be the last stage and the medications she was given did not help at all, so I started to do alot of research on natural treatments, I was introduced to Health Natural Centre and their ALS Herbal Protocol. She started on the ALS/MND Treatment last year, her symptoms gradually diminished including her vocal cord spasm, Body Weakness and Difficulty with swallowing. Reach them at healthnaturalcentre .org , She is getting active again since starting this treatment, she is able to walk again [ down the street and back ]she have also resumed exercising to strengthen muscles!! God Bless all ALS Caregivers. Stay Strong, take small moments throughout the day to thank yourself, to love your self, and pray to whatever faith, star, spiritual force you believe in and ask for strength. I can personally vouch for these remedy but you would probably need to decide what works best for you.
Replied on Saturday, March 4, 2023 8:19 AM

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