 maltese (Guest)
is there any connection between injections, dentistry and ALS? my mothers first symtoms began a month after the dentist!
Replied on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 12:00 AM
 Ajit52 (Guest)
May be due to mercury toxicity as mercury is used in filling teeth. Use [abuse] of pain killers are also responsible for ALS. My sister is also suffering from bulber palasy and has been on ventilatory support since March last year. Her symptons started after visiting dentist.
Replied on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 6:10 AM
Yes, I'm certain after reading a book "It's All In Your Head" by Hal Huggins, that ALS is due to microbes surviving under a healed area where a tooth has been pulled, in a cavitation. An infection that turns systemic and thus breaks down healthy nerves. I have a friend in the early stages of ALS right now and had recent abcesses/dental work done shortly before diagnoses. When one has a tooth pulled, they must insist on sterilization of the cavitation or you can die from it! If you have ALS, maybe re opening the healed over cavitation and cleaning it out and then go through a detox and then take supplements to heal nerves such as magnesium and b vitamins and omega 3 etc.. Best of Luck
Replied on Monday, July 7, 2014 5:03 PM
 Doctor_Lilly (Guest)
My symptoms started off with extreme muscle spasms and cramps. It would get worse when I was on my monthly. I was walking and running at the time to lose some weight that I thought was causing the muscle aches, headaches, and the pain that I was feeling in my whole body. One day it got overwhelming. It was August 17th, 2007. I felt like I was getting the life squeezed out of me and my mind was racing the whole time while experiencing difficulty speaking, walking, and trying to control the jerky movements. I was admitted as a psychiatric patient at that time, now it's been two years later and I feel like I am disseminating. I had another attack recently and that is what scared me enough to go to the neurologist. I am still afraid. I want to see it, and I'm interested in the damage that my body has endured. Can't wait to start treatment.
Replied on Monday, September 19, 2011 8:30 AM
 hopeforjoy (Guest)
My dearest friend, Joy Styles, died from ALS on July 1st 2011. She was only 52. She was running half marathons and was very active when she noticed an atrophy in her left and and a weakness in her right leg. I have created a website in her name http://www.hopeforjoy.ca that is about her and has useful information about the disease. I wish I could do more, but every little bit helps. God bless everyone who has had experience with this terrible disease.
Replied on Monday, October 31, 2011 11:00 AM
Are there any new treatments for Als?
Replied on Friday, November 9, 2012 10:39 PM
My ALS [Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis] Symptoms started out with a "foot drop" on my left foot. From there my left leg lost all muscle tone and the entire left leg muscles are gone. Also my fingers and thumbs "contract" at times. Left arm loses muscle tone too. My family doctor said there is no cure for ALS, I was just living unhappy life till I saw a blog talking about Best Health Herbal Centre. So many people said positive things about their herbal product which I don’t believe at first. I showed my daughter what I saw online about their product and my daughter decided we shall give it a try. Few days later she purchased two bottle of ALS herbal remedy which they said I will use for only six weeks. My life changed automatically after six weeks of applying the herbal remedy as instructed. All my symptoms was terminated completely and am now living ALS FREE ..
All Thanks to Best Health Herbal Centre for their good work in people’s life. For more details about their herbal product visit their Homepage
w ww .besthealthherbalcentre. co m
Replied on Monday, January 7, 2019 5:46 PM