This article is the problem with dyslexia. We are not ill or in need of treatment We have #D vision and can see so much more than most people. Learning to discipline that power is a rather different story, and being forced to interact with the 2D world, i.e. reading, takes special skills. But, we are great readers, often lovers of books, yet even better writers- precisely because we engage with language using all our senses. We read, but also 'see' the words, imagine the situation and from there our creativity really takes off. We read better out loud or when hearing someone read, and even envision the words on the page when we hear, while at the same time imagining the scene described and the possibilities in that space. Maps are also 2D representations that pose us problem, but once we have a visual image to anchor the 2D map, we can 'read' it better than any one AND retain the images in our memories, returning to places we've visited just once, etc. We know space, and are often in creative fields, but especially where we move through space and time, using the maxim number of our senses, which takes advantage of the 3D vision.
Replied on Sunday, October 25, 2009 12:00 AM
consider this: if a (q)appears as a (p) and a (d) appears as a (b) qp db / bd pq when looked upon in a mirror. then the visual condition is neither Dyslexia nor Dysgraphia but rather the term strephosymbolia(Twisted Symbols) should be made use of . the term was coined by Dr. S.D. Orton to explain why people view text as if in a mirror & why they write in mirrored text (Backwards)from right to left , they must write in this text format in order to precieve text as if in standard format from left to right. No known medical cure to date, the gene DCDC2 linked to C6 & C15 cause strephosymbolia. paschar
Replied on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 12:00 AM
Employ dyslexia test for children, whenever you find your children finding it difficult to read with speed and accuracy.
Replied on Thursday, November 17, 2011 1:48 AM