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Mental health and addiction :

Depression in psychology and psychiatry refers to long term and persistent feeling of sadness, guilt, hopelessness and thoughts of death. A depressed person cannot just 'snap out of it' - he needs support from his family and friends, and sometimes counseling and medication can help too.

This online support group for depression will help you realize you are not alone - join up, help others going through the same road as you are, find help for yourself, and meet professionals who know about the condition too.

"It is a time when one's spirit is subdued and sad, one knows now why; when the past seems a storm-swept desolation, life a vanity and a burden, and the future but a way to death."

-Mark Twain


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Asked By : turtleboy

Asked on : 16 May 2012   

Hi, I was a patient with major depression and now i am in resistant depression. I was taking medications for 3 months ( Luvox or luvoxamine) and now i am a regular drinker. I drink every day and a heavy dose of it. Lately i have been thinking alot and not feeling normal. i sweat a lot even the air conditioner is running and the room is cold. suggest me what should i do. Should I start taking my medications again ?

Asked By : scruffydog

Asked on : 22 Feb 2012   

Hi, I suffer from recurring depression. Over the past year, I've noticed an increase in certain flu-like symptoms such as a chronic sore throat, fatigue, food intolerances etc. I haven't formally been diagnosed with an infection and it's hard to know if these are just the result of increased inflammation/depressed immunity from my mood disorder.

Anyway, I tend to find that nicotine (in the form of gum, lozenges) is very helpful for my concentration. I use 3-5 pieces a week. If indeed I am experiencing some underlying infection, would nicotine be unwise to use in this context? What are its general effects on immunity like?

Asked By : mansimehra

Asked on : 28 Jan 2012   

i m suffering from depression & i take 20-20 disprin medicine some time......

what is the side effect of disprin.

& pls give me ur contact detail so i can discuss my problem with u????????
can u help me??????????????

Asked By : ashish_manjusha

Asked on : 15 Jul 2011   

sir, i ashsh , age 35,MTECH , dr has given me medicine of depression from last one year , ima having BP.180/90 ,I AM TAKING MEDICINE FOR IT . PLZ GIVE UR MOBILE NUMBER SO I CAN EXPIAN NAD U CAN HELP ME



Asked By : G.D.GUPTA

Asked on : 22 Apr 2011   

my wife is suffering from mild to sever depression.her details are.
1.she complained sever pain in head in 2006 and take medicine for 2 years but did not permanent re leaf.
2.now since 2009 her symptoms are as depression but she is denied to take any medicine even homeopath and use abusing word to me and blame me always, shouting to me, not interested any work, sleeplessness,tired
3.does homeopath work effectively ?

Asked By : sumit123

Asked on : 12 Jan 2011   

when i am taking lithium carbonate i started having many pimpels over my face but I took giloy satva of sandu and it helped me cure the problem of pimpels but still for most of south indian dishes i am having acidity in my stomach eating samba dosaa, idli, coccunut chatni,appy fiz , frooti drinks and tea, ia m taking lithium along with smriti sagar ras of baidyanath fo last 4 months and i feel absolutely normal i never feel that i have any mental problem as i feel having gr8 sense of humour but some side effect like acidity do bother me, i also had little pain in my eyes for that i took godanti bhasma of kalda it's to be noted that the companies which i have mentioned only suited me, also the provlem of acidiy is attended by having godanti and abhrak bhasma, this knowledge I am sharin for the benefits of other patient, I have been suffering from Borderline personaliy disorder for last 10 years

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