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Men’s health

Men’s unique health concerns have been getting more attention since the 1990s, when male health began to emerge as a separate discipline. Men are more vulnerable than women to certain kinds of diseases like cardiovascular diseases, and also some disorders like autism.

If you’ve been facing any male-oriented health issues, join our support group to catch up with others who’ve got similar concerns and also converse with their physicians.
Support Groups (11)


Priapism is a condition when a man’s penis is erect for over four hours without sexual stimulation or desire. It is a medical emergency. If it is not treated, it can lead to permanent erectile dysfunction.

Learn more by joining our online group on priapism. Ask questions, get answers from experts, and share experiences.

Prostate Biopsy

The prostate biopsy involves taking out small samples of the tissue of the prostate (the gland that produces the fluid which transports sperm) with a find needle. The cells from the sample are then examined under a microscope to see if they are cancerous.

Learn more by joining our online group on prostate biopsy.

Prostate Cancer

Cancer of the male reproductive gland, the prostate, has now become increasingly common among middle-aged men. As it doesn’t reveal any symptoms until in its final stages, it is advisable for men over 50 years to regularly screen themselves for prostate cancer. Early detection and effective treatment can help stem the spread of the cancer.

To learn more, join our prostate cancer support group today.

Sarcoidosis / Besnier - Boeck disease

Sarcoidosis is a disease which causes granulomas (lumps of immune cells usually formed to fight an infection) over parts of the body. Usually, the lungs, lymph nodes, and skin are affected, and less commonly, the eyes, liver, brain and heart. Most people recover from sarcoidosis, but when the liver, brain or heart is involved the disease can be fatal.

Get support and help for yourself or for a loved one with sarcoidosis by joining our online support group for sarcoidosis.

Seborrheic Dermatitis (Cradle Cap / Dandruff)

Dandruff or Seborrheic dermatitis affects the skin and is a common cause of hair loss. It is a chronic inflammatory skin disease'Seborrhea' refers to the oiliness of the skin, particularly of the scalp and face. Individuals with seborrhea may later develop seborrheic dermatitis, a common disorder of the skin that is characterized by redness, itchiness, flaking or scaling. It particularly affects th ... Read More

Smoking And Cancer

Smoking is a kind of recreational drug use when a substance (usually tobacco) is burned and the vapors inhaled. Smoking is addictive, and smokers are at risk for a number of diseases including lung cancer.

Join this support group of people concerned with smoking and cancer – you will be able to meet doctors as well as smokers and those suffering from lung cancers and their families.


Suicide, or the intentional killing of oneself, is more common than murder or killing in war. If someone talks about committing suicide, you need to take it seriously and either provide them emotional support yourself or refer them to others who can. Those who have lost loved ones and friends to suicide also need special support.

Join our online support group for people affected by suicide – both people who have considered it and for people whose loved ones have committed suicide.


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) capable of affecting any organ of the body. ... Read More

Testicular Cancer

Men get testicular cancer when the cells in the testicles, which are in the scrotum and produce sperms and testosterone, start dividing uncontrollably and abnormally. Testicular cancer happens to one man in 250, usually in his middle age. If it is caught early and treated, 90% of men go on to live normal lives.

Join our online support group for men with testicular cancer and their families. Ask your questions to experts, share your experiences, and learn more.

Undescended Testis

An undescended testes is a testes that has not descended into the scrotum from the abdomen, where is formed before the baby is born. It is a common defect of the male genitalia, and about 4% of new born boys have the condition. But most of them will recover without intervention by the time they are one year old. If the testes does not descend by this time, a careful medical evaluation is advised.

Find more information about this condition and consult other parents and experts by joining our online group on undescended testes.

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avageorge replied to MikeP's discussion post under How to deal with the mental aspects of ED in Impotence / Erectile Dysfunction Support Group - 1094 days back
MikeP wrote a discussion post under How to deal with the mental aspects of ED in Impotence / Erectile Dysfunction Support Group - 1106 days back
MikeP wrote a discussion post under any zoom or in person support groups for ED in Impotence / Erectile Dysfunction Support Group - 1119 days back
Me111 replied to rickfl's discussion post under PE Treatments in Premature Ejaculation / PE Support Group - 1413 days back
rickfl replied to cadeshco2's discussion post under PE Treatments in Premature Ejaculation / PE Support Group - 1527 days back
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