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Men’s health

Men’s unique health concerns have been getting more attention since the 1990s, when male health began to emerge as a separate discipline. Men are more vulnerable than women to certain kinds of diseases like cardiovascular diseases, and also some disorders like autism.

If you’ve been facing any male-oriented health issues, join our support group to catch up with others who’ve got similar concerns and also converse with their physicians.
Support Groups (11)

Genetics of Male Infertility

Due to the rapid strides that medicine has made in the recent past, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have make it possible for many infertile men with severe male factor infertility to father children. 

If you and your partner are facing difficulties in this respect, don’t lose hope. Face the pressures, share your experiences and gain valuable advice from specialists in the field at this support group for male infertility.

Gonorrhea / Clap

Gonorrhea, or "Clap", is a very common sexually transmitted infection. Cause by the Neisseria gonorrhea bacterium, gonorrhea is spread during sexual intercourse and is most commonly found among younger people who have multiple sex partners. Mothers with gonorrhea can also be spread the disease to their child during birth.

Medindia’s support group provides you a wealth of information on this STD, its transmission and treatment.


Gout is strongly associated with obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes. Here, the blood contains abnormally high levels of uric acid. It is characterized by recurring attacks of joint inflammation (arthritis), deposits of hard lumps of uric acid, decreased kidney function.

Guard yourself against gout. Learn several precautionary tips and lifestyle revamp measures at this support group for gout.

Hair Loss

Alopecia or hair loss is the medical description of the loss of hair from the head or body, sometimes to the extent of baldness. Unlike the common cosmetic depilation of body hair, alopecia tends to be involuntary and unwelcome.

Health Hazards of Smoking Cigarettes

Some of the lesser known side effects of smoking include the reduction of stamina, interference with the functions of thyroid, bone loss leading to bone fractures, and macular degeneration.

If you need any more reasons to kick the butt, or want to share your experiences with others, Medindia’s support group on smoking is here to help.

Hepatitis A

Out of the three known forms of Hepatitis, Hepatitis A is the most benign and leaves no long term side effects. This is a disorder in which viruses produce inflammation of liver cells, resulting in their injury or destruction.

Medindia’s support group on Hepatitis A hosts a wealth of information on the subject; informing patients of the disease and helping them network with doctors.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus. Some forms of hepatitis B are mild and last a few weeks – others are chronic and can lead to liver cancer or cirrhosis and death. The virus is transmitted through the exchange of body fluids – through sex, sharing infected needles, or by an infected mother to her baby.

Join our support group for people with hepatitis B and their families. Find support from others with the same challenges and information and help from experts.


A hydrocele is the accumulation of serous body fluids in any body cavity. A hydrocele testis, in which fluids accumulate around a testicle, is a common condition.

This online group on hydroceles will help you get more information about the condition and how to treat it, from professionals and other people who have dealt with it.


Hypospadias is a birth defect where the opening to pass urine is one the underside of the penis instead of the tip. This does not usually cause much problem, and it is easily corrected – most surgeries for this can be done before the child turns one year old.

Join our online group on hypospadias. Ask questions, get answers from other experienced parents and experts, and learn more.

Impotence / Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction happens when a man is not able to have or maintain an erection as much as he or his partner wants.

If you want to know more about this problem and how it can be treated, join this online support group for erectile dysfunction. You will meet doctors and others dealing with this problem.

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avageorge replied to MikeP's discussion post under How to deal with the mental aspects of ED in Impotence / Erectile Dysfunction Support Group - 1130 days back
MikeP wrote a discussion post under How to deal with the mental aspects of ED in Impotence / Erectile Dysfunction Support Group - 1142 days back
MikeP wrote a discussion post under any zoom or in person support groups for ED in Impotence / Erectile Dysfunction Support Group - 1155 days back
Me111 replied to rickfl's discussion post under PE Treatments in Premature Ejaculation / PE Support Group - 1449 days back
rickfl replied to cadeshco2's discussion post under PE Treatments in Premature Ejaculation / PE Support Group - 1563 days back
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