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Albinism / Hypopigmentation / Albinos

Albinism is a hereditary disorder characterized by defects in melanin production which results in little or no pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes. There is no cure for albinism, but it can be managed, especially with special care for the skin and eyes.

Albinos and their families need a lot of support, and you can join this online support group for albinos to meet professionals who can help or contact other people or families with the same challenges.


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Albinism / Hypopigmentation / Albinos

Albinism results in the partial or complete absence of pigment (color) in the skin, hair, and eyes. Commonly the individuals with the condition are called Albinos. Albino individuals suffer from an inherited disorder of melanin production...Read More

Posted on : Tuesday, January 26, 2010 12:00 AM
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i would like to clarify something. i am a Nigerian girl with albinism. i have a light complexioned skin and yellow-blonde hair. i do not regularly use sunscreen but i go out on a daily basis. the sun is hot but i hardly get sun burns. generally, the sun is not good for anyone. don't put this as if albinos would melt under the sun. i wear long sleeved clothes but many times, i love short sleeved clothes just to flaunt my smooth skin. albinism is not a disability or a kind of sickness that requires treatment. one has to carefully take care of oneself. i see albinism as a mere variation, not a genetic disorder. at least, i have the chance to be African and non African [in terms of complexion and hair colour] at the same time. many people do not have that privilege. i also see clearly, without glasses. i use shades when i am outdoors, but not always. my eyes are green, not blue
Replied on Monday, October 23, 2017 7:54 AM
It's great that you feel comfortable in your own skin and can find upsides to having albinism. However, scientifically, albinism is a genetic disorder. The normal human does not have albinism, and albinism is caused by a mutation in the genes where there is a lack of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes. Though the symptoms of albinos vary from person to person, it is a fact that albinos are more prone to sunburn due to their pale complexion, just like people with lighter skin are more prone to sunburn than darker skinned people. It is also a fact that the average person affected with albinism is more prone to eye issues due to the lack of pigment in their retinas. Again, it is not the case that all people with albinism have eye issues, but it is much more probable. Albinism is a genetic disorder, as it is a recessive mutation in the chromosomes. This article is correct, and albinos usually do require more treatment than someone who has more pigment in their hair, eyes and skin.
Replied on Friday, December 14, 2018 3:34 PM

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