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rajiv0207's Answers

Asked By : Katyar

Asked on : 27 Jan 2012   

My BP on 26.01.2012 was 138/106 and today i.e. 27.01.2012 it is 146/96. Both are measure in the doctor Supervision. However on 26.01.2012 the machine was automatic and on 27.01.2012 it is Manual.
What should be the correct BP.

P.K. Katiyar

Asked By : chandadupte

Asked on : 07 Oct 2011   

dear doctor
i am 28 yrs i have high bp 150/100,some times i feel fatique and hot flases sensation in my teeth fainting mild chest pain tingiling in hands and legs excess sweat without reason or even during doing less work ,i am even taking depression medecine from last 1 year and also consulted a cardiologist every thing is ok but why i still have this symtoms all my reports of e.c.g and cbc are normal i am getting feared of death and cant concentrate on my routine work please suggest me if i have any heart problem and i also want to know in how many gap of time ecg test should done

Asked By : giftu

Asked on : 16 Apr 2011   

I would like to have your expert opinion for the one case where the patient have undergone routine checkups with below procedure
1. ECG - Normal
3. Treadmill Test :
Exercise Duration: - 7:17 minute
Max. Heart Rate: - 140bpm, 93% of target heart rate 150bpm
Max Blood Pressure: - 180/80mmHg
Max Work Load: - 8.35 METS
Reason of Termination: - Fatigue
Result: - Test is Positive for Exercise induced Reversible Ischemia
4. Angiography: - During Angiography Doctor found appx 90% blockage in 2 heart Arterial and whereas for the 3rd Arterial 70% blockage exists.

The existing diseases with the patients are
1. Diabetics: - is in control with exercise
2. Enlarged prostate glands (Grade-III) :- No Medicine yet started

Presently even in the past there are no symptoms with the patient relating to heart problem like Chest Pain, Respiratory Disturbance, Nausea, Weakness:, Verbal Disruptions:, Blindness etc.The patient is age is 70 yrs.
As per doctor the patient should go with Angioplasty with stunt for arterial (with 90% blockage ) and for the 3rd one will take care by medicine.
I would need your expert advise here ..is there really need to go with the Angioplasty or we should go for re-checkups.


Asked By : Anonymous

Asked on : 09 Aug 2011   

My daughter is suffering from (Congenital Acyonotic Heart Disease, SDS, Significant RV/RV overload, No significant pulmonary hypertension, 2 AV Valves normal, 2 Ventricals, RV is dilated, Good biventicular function, NRGA, No PS/PH, Left arch no coarctaion). It was detected at the age of 6 months. Now her age is 3 1/2 years and the weight is 10 kgs. The Pediatric Cardiologist, who suggested to take 2D Echo for every 6 months saying that at present and in future no need of operation, as there will be no problem of this.. but the growth of baby is completely abnormal and all the time she looks very weak and suffers from all infections. You are requesting pl advise whether to operate her or not necessary ?? if not what will be reason for her weakness and abnormal growth...

Asked By : doughty

Asked on : 29 Aug 2011   

I'm a 24 year old male (from Chennai). I experience symptoms such as breathlessness, pounding feel (in the chest), etc. when I get anxious (such as being involved in a tense situation) or excited (such as attempting to sing in a party, getting to the stage to receive an award, etc.). Once I calm down, these symptoms disappear and they generally don't last for more than 2 - 3 mins. Sometimes I feel like being unable to breathe for a fraction of a second but get normal after that. I have experienced these symptoms several times over the last 7 years or so. I also experienced palpitation once in Dec 2005 (lasted for about 15 mins) and once more recently in July 2010 (lasted for an hour). For long, I thought I was perhaps suffering from a heart problem (I never met a doctor though), but off late, I learnt on the net that there's something called an anxiety disorder whose symptoms are similar to cardiac symptoms. That had me wondering if I too could be sufferring from an anxiety disorder. I want to meet a doctor to get myself checked up. However, for some reason, I feel nervous about meeting a doctor. I fear that on entering the doctor's room, I might get tensed and experience breathlessness, palpitation,etc. I feel if I can contact the doctor over email/phone,etc and introduce myself before actually meeting the doctor, I would feel better. Since I live in Gopalapuram (Chennai), can someone help me in this regard?

Asked By : anurag14

Asked on : 01 Sep 2011   

how to maintain blood pressure

Asked By : Mary8556

Asked on : 16 Aug 2011   

Can you tell me if mytonia dystrophy will cause muscle spasms in the diaphragm? Often times during a "spell", my chest will seize up and not relax, and I am unable to breath for a period of time, or swallow for that matter. My sats drop down to the high 80's, low 90's during this period. I can't find anything that will explain this "lock down" of my chest. Thank you

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