Asked by : doughty
on Mon, 29 Aug 2011
Asked in :Palpitations And Arrhythmias
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I'm a 24 year old male (from Chennai). I experience symptoms such as breathlessness, pounding feel (in the chest), etc. when I get anxious (such as being involved in a tense situation) or excited (such as attempting to sing in a party, getting to the stage to receive an award, etc.). Once I calm down, these symptoms disappear and they generally don't last for more than 2 - 3 mins. Sometimes I feel like being unable to breathe for a fraction of a second but get normal after that. I have experienced these symptoms several times over the last 7 years or so. I also experienced palpitation once in Dec 2005 (lasted for about 15 mins) and once more recently in July 2010 (lasted for an hour). For long, I thought I was perhaps suffering from a heart problem (I never met a doctor though), but off late, I learnt on the net that there's something called an anxiety disorder whose symptoms are similar to cardiac symptoms. That had me wondering if I too could be sufferring from an anxiety disorder. I want to meet a doctor to get myself checked up. However, for some reason, I feel nervous about meeting a doctor. I fear that on entering the doctor's room, I might get tensed and experience breathlessness, palpitation,etc. I feel if I can contact the doctor over email/phone,etc and introduce myself before actually meeting the doctor, I would feel better. Since I live in Gopalapuram (Chennai), can someone help me in this regard?