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Sexual Deviance

Sexual deviance refers to sexual behavior that is very unusual, harmful or humiliating to at least one person involved, and generally considered morally wrong. Pedophilia, voyeurism, and sadism are examples of sexual deviance.

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Sexting Is Now a Criminal Offence Among Teenagers

Sexting is now officially a punishable offence - ie taking a photograph of yourself or somebody else nude and sending it to somebody else is criminal. And eight students, ranging in age from 13 to 17, have learned this the hard way....Read More

Posted on : Sunday, June 13, 2010 7:44 AM
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Sexting may be risky or stupid amongst teens, but lets be honest as all of us who are perfect people know sex is "normal". Now looking at teenagers, Hmm they think of sex as rabbits do ..... adults can have sex with adults and its "legal" yes "legal". So a teenager sexts, and its considered child porn? huhh, really? Don't think so, the legislative intent of those laws are to protect the minor from the adult predator period... some states have teen sexting laws,nothing to do do with the child porn protection laws....simply keeps this type of thing out of where it doesn't belong. It is from the power hungry authorities who pursue such a wrongful charge to add a notch in their so called crime fighting belt. Schools show students how to roll a condom on a banana,"safe sex kids use protection" explain all types of sex, etc etc. but a teen takes a pic of them...ohhhhh now your a sex offender, what a funny joke !! The kicker here of the real crime committed was by school staff members, for going through and viewing pics of their nude minor students..why? Is it to identify a body part? Really? Or to verify a nude picture and pass around the phone for the other staff members to see...for "adults" to view such material in any form of a nude minor is considered "child pornography". Each time it is viewed or passed to someone else is considered a count of charge. Yes, unless you work in a crime lab investigating the pics, for anyone else, your in deep shit . now I bet there is more to this story enough to make the common person vomit.. You are reading up on the biggest, f-up, of wrongful charging, abuse of power, invasion of property, done by a public school and legal system, on the east coast!! Now with that being said, just because the kids may or may not have done something right or wrong, or just "normal" etc... does not give "anybody" the right to act above the law, in such an out of bounds approach, to cause such unjust destruction of labeling of kids, from the worst of all crimes known to society. The adults responsible for this, should and will be held accountable for their actions... "criminal and civil"!! If I ever se a pool of morons with no common sense and a few who somehow slipped through the bar association floor cracks, its this one... I commend the other few schools who handled their situation with common sense , not to mention the district attorneys, who even stated, that kids cannot be charged with a crime where a law doesn't apply, we cant figure out "perry county"
Replied on Sunday, June 13, 2010 7:44 AM

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