My penis length is short. But during intercourse it extend the length up to 4 to 5 inch. i could not inter course for long period. I ejaculate within 20 or 25 sec. After that my penis gets to original position and look so small. Due to this problem, I never get married. I am now 47 yrs old. I would like to have my life partner now.can I succeed? Mentally some time I feel I can do. But some time I feel I cant. Can you please suggest a treatment for me?
Replied on Saturday, March 17, 2012 6:06 PM
 bsd68 (Guest)
honestly, i masturbate a bit, because of my desire for sex, how do i stop.
Replied on Thursday, April 5, 2012 7:50 PM
 gurushah (Guest)
me to muy pen
My penis length is short. But during intercourse it extend the length up to 4 to 5 inch. i could not inter course for long period. I ejaculate within 20 or 25 sec. After that my penis gets to original position and look so small.
Replied on Saturday, May 12, 2012 11:03 AM
 India5 (Guest)
I'm suffering a lot because my hubby has got this prblm.. I spoke to him openly that I'm nt satisfied.. He asked me to help him out.. I tried whatever he asked n whatever I read like here.. But now I started to feel, he cares less for me.. Whenever he ejaculates he will go wash and move on or do any of his fav work.. He won't stay with me.. He never try to go for second one.. V r mrrid for 5 yrs, v can count the no. Of times we had real intercourse, in that i was satisfied for 2 times.. Im really frustrated.. Any suggestions for me?
Replied on Sunday, May 20, 2012 9:11 PM
M suffering from Nighfall past 18 years..my age is 31 years nw...I am also suffering from premature ejaclation which lasts for 20-25 seconds....Due to which i am not satisfied at all nor my partner too during sex....I am not able to gain weight as well. .I have also noticed that my Sperm quantity is getting reduced....I want to gain weight n njoy my sexual life...M really depressed with all this stuff...Can this be cured???
Replied on Thursday, May 24, 2012 8:28 PM