Barry (Guest)
Psych lingo, and psycholabeling cause an atmosphere of hopelessness, and this creates a financial bonanza for psychs. It also creates an alarming rate of suicides, broken marriages, low productivity, ridicule, and humiliation for the patient. Psych terminology is negative, and statistics clearly show a hopeless rate of true recovery. All this of course makes psychs rich, and even more rich as other human beings continue to fail. Non-medicals like psychologists, and social workers have been collecting welfare, off the misery of others for years. Psychologists are not doctors, and they should all be strickly supervised by nurses, and physicians. Its high time for reform. Congress has also investigated the high rate of abuses caused by psych staff, and its time that the efficacy of "mental health" care by evaluated by our congress. The media has not publicised these issues, and its about time.
Replied on Monday, July 6, 2009 12:00 AM