It is actually very true that the message these women oriented serials giving is unhealthy. They glorify the women's age old practice of being silent victims of oppression, tyranny and injustice. There has been dearth of tv serials like udaan, rajni etc which taught women to voice their thoughts, stand against iniquity and think of life outside the walls of their houses.
Replied on Sunday, December 14, 2008 12:00 AM
 healthymind21 (Guest)
i want to say that a healthy mind is very important for progressive society.specially women are more near to psychological problems.if any person is worried about any problem.he/she can write me his problem for free suggestions.my postal address is 79 nasir abad west chenab nagar pakistan
Replied on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 2:15 AM
 Sameeraa (Guest)
I am Female, 25 yrs old and still un-married. I’ve no such issues of complexes, anxiety or what ever, but a problem to choose a life partner... I have freedom and rights to choose things for me…. but I could not do so till now. I am worried about my marriage... I Want to get marry as soon as possible.....but what can I do for my self as I am not very social and confined to Hostel only..
Replied on Saturday, March 5, 2011 5:39 AM