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Labor and Delivery / Pregnancy Labor

Childbirth is a process by which the baby inside the womb adjusts itself to its surroundings and passes out of the uterus to be born. Adequate and appropriate care taken during the antenatal period reflects on the conduct and outcome of labor.

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Labor and Delivery / Pregnancy Labor

God's interest in the human race is nowhere better evinced than in obstetrics. ~Martin H. FischerNormal LaborIntroductionChildbirth is one of the most marvelous and memorable segment in a woman's life. It does not really matter if the child is the first, second or the third one....Read More

Posted on : Tuesday, December 2, 2008 12:00 AM
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Jurelyn C. Licaros
what is the mechanism of labor ?
Replied on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 12:00 AM
The mechanism of labor is in several stages. In pre-labor, the uterus begins to contract, but the contractions are more gentle. The pregnant woman can usually go about her day. In the first active phase of labor, the uterus contracts more rhythmically and frequently, usually requiring undivided attention. These contractions coincide with the cervix dilating to about 10 cm to allow for the baby to pass through. In the second active phase of labor, the doctor or midwife will ask that the woman push each time a contraction occurs. This assists the uterus contractions in pushing the baby out. Finally, in the third phase, the placenta is expelled.
Replied on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 10:56 AM
Having undergone the process of labor and delivery myself, all I can say is: each labor and delivery experience is different. It is the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my whole life but also the most rewarding. All the pain will vanished once you see your little bundle of joy.
Replied on Friday, February 11, 2011 2:49 AM

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