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Kidney and bladder :

The kidney maintains the balance of bodily fluids by cleaning and filtering the blood and excreting the waste as urine. Urine collects in the bladder before it is exits the body through urination.

If you want to know more people who have problems with their kidneys/bladders, or want to get in touch with their physicians, our online support group is the answer.


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Asked By : bryanperret

Asked on : 21 May 2012   

What is the connection between pradaxa and kidney problems. I keep reading on sites like http://www.pradaxainjury.com/ that is dangerous to take Pradaxa if you had kidney problems, even if you are not currently on a treatment. I don't understat the connection between an anticoagulant drug and kidneys.

Asked By : Anonymous

Asked on : 02 Apr 2011   

my daughter sonal aged 13 yrs was diagnosed with classic PAN on 12/01/2011.her ct angio abdomen showed multiple micro aneuryms in renal and hepatic vasculature and spleen infarcts.with treatment of last 2.5 month fever,skin rashes.ulcer and ht were stable but she has persistent severe pain/ cramps in abdomen .no medecine i.e. buscopan, meva c. meftl spasm gives any relief because of this we have to give fortwin half ampule almost daily.her endoscopy, sonography. blood/ urine test are normal except high esr and crp.kindly suggest /guide. . she is on immunosupprecent. she has been given 4 th dose of endoxan 500mg.her present medicine are .1. omnicotrtol 25 mg daily 2. shellcal 500mg b.d.3. envas 7.5 mg b.d.,4. clonidine 150mcg b.d. trental 200mg bd.5.cinex dt 3tab.6.pantocid 20mg bd.7ecospring 150 mg daily.8amlong 10 mg daily syp digene 10ml and syp sucralfate 10mg 3 times a day 9. syp. lactoloose 10 mg daily. 10. tab. acitron 2mg daily.

Asked By : Anonymous

Asked on : 27 Jan 2010   

I have undergone Excimal Urethroplasty at Chennai by a Urologist. The basic problem of Mixturition and slow emptying of Bladder is completely relieved. But the pain in the scrotum atleast 2 to 5 percent is still perceptable. My doubt is Why the post surgical pain is 100 percent not gone. Is there a good advice for me to stay active in my Sexual Life and Stress free life. For your info I am diabetic and I monitor my sugar levels once every fortnight, it is under control. Please suggest.

Asked By : Anonymous

Asked on : 31 Dec 2009   

Recently i have undergone Ultra sound scan for my left kidney, they found some obstruction in the Left kidney called pelvurmetric Junction Obstruction. Can i know how severe is it and what are the solutions, and what kind of treatment i can undergo to remove that one.

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