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Hypersomnia / Excessive Sleepiness Disorder / Idiopathic Hypersomnia

Hypersomnia is feeling sleepy throughout the day or sleeping too long at night and having trouble waking up. People with hypersomnia may fall asleep at inappropriate times, for example, at work. Hypersomnia happens sometimes because nighttime sleep is disturbed because of sleep apnea, but it can also have other causes.

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Things which can help hypersomnia OTHER than (or as well as) medication??

I take Modafinil for my hypersomnia, but it only works a bit. So I'm keen to hear about any other things which can help hypersomnia. I would like to know whether there are natural remedies, lifestyle changes, diet stuff and other things that would help. The only other thing I do is that I have one of those 'natural light' wake up alarm thing.

Posted on : Friday, November 6, 2009 6:38 PM
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Please dont get into the habit of taking tablets. Firstly you have not specified your age. There are 2 reasons for your going through this problem. One is that you have an inferiority complex and second your subconcious wants to run away from a problem which needs a solution. Go for alternate healing such as meditation or reikhi and yoga and you will find the difference.
Replied on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 9:21 PM

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