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Men’s health :

A hydrocele is the accumulation of serous body fluids in any body cavity. A hydrocele testis, in which fluids accumulate around a testicle, is a common condition.

This online group on hydroceles will help you get more information about the condition and how to treat it, from professionals and other people who have dealt with it.


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1. Who should be consulted to treat a hydrocele?

You can consult a General Surgeon or Urologist.

2. Can a child have both Hernia and a Hydrocele ?

Yes they can. Normally the testis develops inside the abdomen. Just before delivery of the baby, the testis comes down into the scrotum. For this to happen, there exists a connection between the abdomen and the scrotum known as the processus vaginalis. This connection usually closes off around the time of birth. In some children, it remains open. Intestines can then move into the connection and appear as a hernia.

If the opening of the processus vaginalis is very small it does not permit the intestine to come thorough. All our abdomens contain some fluid. This acts like a lubricant, allowing smooth movement of the intestines. This fluid can trickle down through this small connection and this causes a hydrocele.

3. Do all hydroceles need surgery?

No, when hydroceles occur in children below the age of one year, there is a 70% chance that they will disappear on their own. The connection tends to close off on its own by 2 years of age and the hydrocele disappears. Only if the hydrocele persists beyond 2 years of age will surgery be required. It is safe to wait until the age of 2 years for spontaneous resolution of the hydrocele.

4. Who Requires a Hydrocele Operation?

Any adult who has a moderate or large sized hydrocele will require a hydrocele operation procedure. If left untreated, the hydrocele will become enlarged and cause pain, discomfort, swelling, infection, or serious illness. Simply draining off the liquid using needles will result in more liquid accumulating within two months.

5. Can a hydrocele recur after surgery?

Recurrence is very uncommon after surgery. However large hydroceles can be difficult to treat and may recur after surgery. If surgery is not successful, then sclerosing agents can be considered.

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