indu12 (Guest)
A 3 year old child is too young to go to formal school. Its upto the parents whether they want to send their child in the age of 3 or 4.The schools must have no right to refuse the admission if the child is 4+. Many Europeon countries gave the admission to 6+ in I standard which is very good for parents and children. If the child is 4 he have the right to get education.Many schools mention the age criteria that the child should born between april to march which is clearly against the guidelines published in Nov 2007 incompliance the Honabl'e high court.Bur public schools arenot ready to follow these guidelines,They have their own norms. who will give instructions to these schools as our education minister or authorities are not ready to listen public.
Replied on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 12:00 AM