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Healthcare Industry and Policy :

The healthcare industry is always growing: there are always sick or injured people among us, and we always need doctors, nurses and paramedics. A healthcare industry shaped by a wise healthcare policy can be very effective, as shown by the increase in the average lifespan for people in prosperous countries today: from 40s in the end of the last century, to the 70s now.

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Social Media to Help Detect Disease Outbreak

Social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook can be used for tracking outbreaks of diseases and other phenomena like rainfall. Researchers at Bristol University studied whether Twitter and Facebook can be harnessed to predict future events. ...Read More

Posted on : Monday, November 7, 2011 4:04 AM
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A life saving need

By Rahul thakre
I can write on this subject because I am myself is a part of that needy population , my name is MAS RAHUL THAKRE a 16 year boy suffering From liver and kidney disease at today’s date I need both a kidneys and liver of a same person to live A normal life , if I don’t get it then my future is dark, I will not able to fulfill my dreams , I am writing this article on the behalf of all such needy people across all over the world , I have seen many Such people who are waiting for kidney to be donated by someone of their blood group so that they could live a normal life.

I am just asking you donate after your death. I want that after someone’s death in an accident or any other way the body parts of that person should be donated I request all of you reading this article to spread this information as much you can. I also request you to please donate your kidney and other parts of body after your death, this is a noble because you should contribute to it. just think after living your full life when you die your body is just wasted so instead of wasting your organs you should donate your organs instead of wasting them if you will donate it, it will not going to harm you.

In our country there are so many people waiting for such donated organ. They can see dreams, they had the courage to fulfill them, but because of a signal disease they just can’t fulfill their dreams. Just think what will you do of your organs after Your death they r going to be wasted but if you will donate your organs it can make someone’s life normal, happy and peaceful

I am also suffering from such needs so that I know the importance of these organs. today I am just 16 I have my whole life to live, but I want to live my life in peace and want to fulfill my dreams but I can’t fulfill my dreams because of my incomplete body, so I request all the people living on the earth to think about this subject an help me and Meany such people like me to make our future bright and happy

Till now this article was for the people but now I will like to request the government of India to give their contribution for this noble cause, I am just asking the government to help us in spreading the information regarding this noble cause.

Replied on Monday, November 7, 2011 4:04 AM

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