I had hidgekins [cancer] and undergone stem cell transplant in 2007. I have been been completely cured and subsequent PET scans suggest no recurrence of the disease. I am now 44.
I want to start a second new health insurance scheme in addtion to my existing health insurance. The new insurer is unwilling to cover me under any policy on the ground that I have Cancer as a pre-existing disease.
What the regulations say? Can any insurer deny to cover anyone having cancer as a precondition?
Replied on Wednesday, February 22, 2012 1:43 AM
I am Diabetic and have High BP, a day before have been diagnosed for Hemorrhoids [External], Doctors have advised for Surgery, can I apply for a Medical Insurance, which company will you suggest, I'm running 47.
Replied on Monday, April 9, 2012 7:58 AM
 StarI5 (Guest)
Yes, you can Go Family health Optima Or Diabetic safe in Star Health insurance , they more wide policies which may be benificial for you
Replied on Saturday, June 9, 2012 2:26 AM
I want to know the companies name in india without Third Party Administration. I think this type of companies can provide good service to the customer. which company is giving good service to the customer presently.
thanking you
Replied on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 7:40 AM
 ajay00 (Guest)
1-l and t insurance
2-Star Health insurance
5-icici lombard
but some companies is also giving good service through Third Party Administration to the customer-
1-Apollo munich insurance
2Hdfc Ergo
Replied on Sunday, July 15, 2012 4:15 AM
 navbha (Guest)
Dr.Aware hospital want to tie-up with insurance company for cashless.So what is the process to tie-up hospital with insurance company?
Replied on Friday, June 22, 2012 9:20 AM
i want to know about the service quality and claim settlement ratio of Religare health insurance. Is it a good company to go ahead with? They have their own claim settlement system and not a 3rd party system. Please suggest
Replied on Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:36 AM