 shrdha89 (Guest)
Hi, My daughter had dissiness fits on sept2008.she is 6year old.After that she is having Tegrital 3times a day 1/2spoon.On 25 JAN again she had dissiness.In such a case where and what are the possible treatment?Please guide me.
Replied on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 12:00 AM
well i wanna know the detail history and did you investigate her , if yes then i wana know the results , after then i will say something .thanks
Replied on Friday, April 3, 2009 12:00 AM
 vidya diksangikar (Guest)
Hi,My sis is suffuring from fits from 4yrs all tests are normal plz guide
Replied on Thursday, February 5, 2009 12:00 AM
well can you please send me the detail of all investigation you done for your sister , after then we can help you out .thanks
Replied on Friday, April 3, 2009 12:00 AM
Can you tell me where you are located.
Fits can be totally treated, my brother in law is suffering from fits i have no knowledge but want to see him cured.
Replied on Friday, August 21, 2009 12:00 AM
Hi Dr Bacha,
My 1 yr old daugher also having this fits problem. It happened last Sunday [4 times a day, 9.30am, 1.30pm, 7.30pm and 10.15pm]. This was the first time it happened. We sent her for MRI and EEG. Below is the MRI findings :
There is slight atrophy of the left temporal lobe noted as evidence by prominent extra-axial fluid.
Normal cerebral gray-white differentiation.
Normal ventricles and cerebral suici.
There is no hydrocephalus or midline shift.
Normal flow void within the internal carotid artery, posterior circulation and Circle of Willis.
Both internal auditory meatues and posterior fassa appear normal.
Visible sinuses and both mastoid air-cells are normal.
Replied on Friday, November 26, 2010 12:50 AM
Refer to the above comments posted on 11/26/2010, can I know whether the fits can be cured? Currently my 1 yr old daugher is taking dilantin [phenytoin] 125MG/5ML suspension. Any side effect for this med? Thanks.
Replied on Friday, November 26, 2010 1:00 AM
My girlfriend had a seizure the other night (4am Thursday) it was frightening, she remembers standing infront of the bathroom sink and then when the paramedics were there, i thought she was going to die, it was very violent, she turned blue and was totally vacant, wide eyed (no blinking) and breathing loud and extremely forced breaths that made some kind of phlegm come out of her mouth with each breath, all i could do was put her in the recovery position despite crying like a baby, i had never seen anything like it. She had recently drasticly changed her diet, she also has rheumatoid arthritis and had changed her painkillers the day before, are these possible causes? The hospital checked her blood/blood pressure, urine, monitored her heart as her pulse was unusually high, and also checked her brain, nothing was found. Absolutely any help will be appreciated, and they never asked her what i'm asking here. I can't bear to see her go through it again, it has never happened in the 11 years we have been together.
Replied on Friday, February 13, 2009 12:00 AM
This is exactly the same as me. i was getting ready to go out for a meal - felt this really wierd feeling then had a fit. i stopped breating too my boyfreind gave me chest compressions then the phlegm came out and i started breating again. he rang an ambulance and i was in hospital for a week. i cant remember any thing about the fit just the feeling i had before and the ambulance crew been there i had three that night. i also came to realise i had had one the the week before as i remember the feeling i was in bed watching tv then had that feeling when i woke some thing totally different was on. also had one a few days after coming out of hospital. six in total. as they went on each one got shorter. had all tests and they found nothing. put me on medication but it sent me crazy so took myself off it feel grat now and have not had another fit. I think it was stress after a really bad year. i also have been drinking more than usual so that could of contributed to it too.
Replied on Friday, October 23, 2009 12:00 AM
hey my daughter had Febrile Convulsions frm the age of 2 months and now she is 5yrs old but still to date she is have fits every now n then...she is on medication too / before she had fits with high temperature. but now it have changed now she gets fits when she get tired , can any one tell me wats the cause of this n if there is any cure for this, my mail address is i hope i will get some good news thanx
Replied on Saturday, February 28, 2009 12:00 AM
well i want you go for the MRI and if fever is there along with it then you should ask the doctor for cerebral spinal fluid Examination and then let me know . thanks
Replied on Friday, April 3, 2009 12:00 AM
hello sir,my friend have affected by fits.it occurs only at the time of sleeping,he can't knows what happens to him at that time.after wake up only he can understand that it occurs.he is 18 yrs old.The hospital checked his brain, nothing was found by taking ct scan.i hope iget some good news what we want to do
Replied on Thursday, March 5, 2009 12:00 AM