 meetali (Guest)
I suffered from fits 4 times in my life,first convulsion was in the age of 20,second in the age of 25,third in the age of 30 and fourth in the age of 34.after my fits all my reports like blood,ECG,EEG,CITY SCAN are normal,dr doesn't consider it as epilepsy.what shall I do with my life I am frustrated.every time I try my best to lead a normal life but fits doesn't let me.what shall I do? please help.
Replied on Thursday, June 27, 2013 1:04 PM
dear sir, am suffering with fits from Jan'1996 to till now [16.6Yrs] at age of 10 initially i had started taking 4 tablets a day No go still am suffering with fits more than 16.6Yrs as per knowledge if I forget to take table I will giddiness after that i ll become half minded person for 2-3Mints i know something is happening in front of me bt i can’t do anything. Till today am my problem has solved now am taking 11tablets a day if i forget to tke my tablets on time in nxt 30mints i ll start getting giddiness and i ll realize tht k I forget to tke my tablet normally I ll come to conditions sometimes i ll keep on getting giddiness. So I just go ahead extra tablet after tht I ll ok. I had chk with my Neurologist he told everything ok n My CT SCAN and Only in EEG report show some symptoms of FITS. Below my tablet details Tegretol 200mg, valparin 200mg,Frisum 10mg and 4 vitamins tab. Sir please help how to come out of my problem.
Replied on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:11 AM
Hi Meetali & Mohan, you should try alternative ways to stay away from fits epilepsy. Visit the best doctors in your city and take their help. Obviously you can't stay hopeless whole life long. God bless you all!
Replied on Sunday, September 22, 2013 2:14 AM
My daughter aged 13 years just suffered from fits for the first time. She attained age and the illness occurred on the 7th day morning of her second month's menstruation. She was partially unconscious for about 20 minutes followed with heavy vomiting several times. Doctor advised for several tests including ct scan.
is it occurred due to some hormone changes in body, loss of blood ect? is it curable?
Replied on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 12:03 PM
 poonamsach (Guest)
My father in law, he is 78 years he is epilepsy patient but from past 40 years he is normal, that to without tablets but in jan 31 he started vomiting we admitied him in hospital; they did MRI brain. There r 3 small clots but not treatable after 10 days he felt in a bathroom he told it was because of fit, again we consult dr. EEG done. They started medicine for fits 16 tab per day he is becoming dull day by day he was not able to walk or stand we were worried, as he is a dr he was not satisfied with his dr we change the dr. she stopped all tab and started levetiracetam ,then he was fine only incoherent talk was there doctor said that he is fiting inside the brain after two month he became violent he use to beat, shout , again we admit him he went in coma. after 20 days dr. told take him home and give him care and hop for best but after 1 and 1/2 month he came out from coma and start talking, eating no one believe not even dr. that he recover very well but again after 1 and 1/2 month he started becoming dull and on 7/9/2013 he had fit he bite his toung then again he was hospitalized he is in MICU in coma for12 days in room for8 days now after one month recovering ....what shill I do more for him, please help
Replied on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 8:27 AM
 maruthi123 (Guest)
my 3.5 yrs son suffering fits for last one month. he gets unconcious for 5 -10 minutes, so we consult neurologist and done many tests like EEG, CT and MRI and all are normal hE is still and Dr. suggested us to use valprine 200mg syrup 5 ml daily we are using since last 10 days and again yesterday he got the same problem.how long will the treatment go and will he will be able to lead a healthy life in future.please suggest me.
Replied on Monday, April 28, 2014 5:59 AM