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Land of Kama Sutra Doesn't Recognize Its Sexologists – Dr. Narayana Reddy

Sexual Medicine’s Struggle As An Entity

The land of Kama Sutra doesn’t recognize its sexologists. No certified course available in sexology in any college in the country, says Dr. Narayana Reddy, renowned sexologist from southern ...Read More

Posted on : Thursday, August 28, 2008 12:00 AM
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hi sir im 20 yrs old male n my gf is 16yrs we both are loving since 4yrs now we want to marry but the problem is she don like sex. she says chi n all when ever we get the topic of sex she even don like me kissing her lips once i kissed her lips she pushed me n we had a huge fight but she wants me n my love she cant live without me. but i really want have a family with her so plz help me sir........ we cant live without each other we love each other so much
Replied on Sunday, May 8, 2011 10:06 AM
im 21, im masturbating since 7 years dialy 4 to 5 times, i heard dat it causes late errection and inpontency and also leads to death, is it true. is masturbating daily safe. please give solution. its very important for me.
Replied on Saturday, August 27, 2011 12:51 PM

hii im a 18 yrs boy i used to maturbate alot 2 or3 dys daily i was very horny.. den my sperm colour was turnin yellow ??.,n i just matubate once in a week .. after dat i left mastubating coz my sperm count was lesss my dick wasnt errectin properly nowadayz i dnt hav intrest in sex also sumtimes i get but my dick doesnt errct properly like it has to b errict now im very scareddd plzz plz give me a solution for dis sirr,, ill b very very very thankfull to u
Replied on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:23 PM
me and my girl friedn had sex but she didnt had her period yet pls advice
Replied on Thursday, October 27, 2011 8:12 AM
sir,i had masturbution habit in the past [5 years ago] and i stopped it. After that semen is releasing from my penis with urine during night and day times sometimes with out my knowledge. My body has also became very weak and lean And difficulty to walk steadily ,think freely and and cannot engage my self in any academic and other activities ,memory loss,nervousness,Lack of self confidence lost my boldness to face any situations confidently . Also i have very weak erection and MY right side scrotum is hanging little bit lower than the left side one and looks little bit swallon than the other on and also has mild pain on it.Sometimes it looks in normal condition and some times not Because of this problems i 'm not able to concentrate on my studies fully and not able to think deeply and keep those in memory and my mind has also became stressed some times because of this inability. (physical and sexual). What medicine should i use to regain my physical and mental strength Is there any side-effects in using the medicines. kindly,please suggest a solution for my problems
Replied on Monday, January 30, 2012 8:13 AM

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