actually my friend's cuisine is a mental patient for 2 years.so i want to admit him in ur hospital.please help me out and reply me as soon as possible.
Replied on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 12:00 AM
sairaj (Guest)
sir, my borther is a menatal patience since 10 years ago we do have a lot of chekc of to the doctors and even regular medicine, but unfurnately many of the times he is out of contorl and just do irregular activities by attacking the family members, i do not have any idea, if possible we are thinking to go ahead for medical process in urs hospital in india, we are from nepal, plz let us know all the expenses and related things to be admitted in urs hospitals,
Replied on Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:00 AM
sir, my borther is a mental patient since 6 years ago we do have a lot of chekc of to the doctors and even regular medicine, but unfurnately many of the times he is out of contorl and just do irregular activities by attacking the family members, i do not have any idea, if possible we are thinking to go ahead for medical process in urs hospital. We are from ALLAHABAD(U.P), plz let us know all the expenses and related things to be admitted in urs hospital.
Replied on Saturday, June 13, 2009 12:00 AM
kaala (Guest)
deAR SIR ....MY Sister is a mental patient since 12 years ago we do have a lot of treatment at gangtok sikkim.and she even take regular medicine, but unfurnately many of the times she is out of contorl and just do irregular activities by attacking the family members, if possible we are thinking to go ahead for medical process in urs hospital., plz let us know all the expenses and related things to be admitted in urs hospital.MOST URGENT!
Replied on Monday, September 13, 2010 12:37 PM
ranjan143 (Guest)
sir, my borther is a mental patient since 6 years ago we do have a lot of chekc of to the doctors and even regular medicine, but unfurnately many of the times he is out of contorl and just do irregular activities by attacking the family members. so we are planning to treatment at there.
Replied on Sunday, September 19, 2010 8:30 AM