 milliemaesworld (Guest)
My Daughter Millie was diagnosed with Friedreich Ataxia February last year after 14 months of shock we have finally started to do something.We have done a website ,with the 'about me' page and time in 'hospital' page written by Millie, from her perspective , Millie is only 9 [8 when diagnosed] her Scoliosis and cardiomyopathy have been classed as severe. Please visit the website ,share it and help us raise awareness of this awful condition. Thank you
Replied on Thursday, April 21, 2011 5:33 PM
I have ataxia, but, i am not aware, which type it is. Will it be helpful, if Gene Test is carried out. Moreover, i think it is a hereditary disorder. Do one needs to conduct gene test, on children also. If yes where in Chennai, India the test is conducted.
Replied on Sunday, October 9, 2011 7:52 AM
For the last two months, I have had Bacteremia four times with E-Coli ESBL, and Proteus. I have been covered extensively with Gentamicin and Vancomycin. My Creatinine has been rising and is now 131. My GFR has been decreasing, which is now 38. As well, I have lost my sense of balance and I am experiencing a great deal of difficulty walking. Initially I thought this was due to severe anemia, HGB 88, with iron depletion. Now I wonder about ataxia from the aminoglycocides, and if this is the case, is it reversible?
Replied on Friday, July 20, 2012 8:50 AM
I got ataxia from interferon shots. Collapsed one day, wound up in hospital for 2 weeks in a coma, had pneumonia, anemia requiring transfusion, dysphagia, dyskinesia and dysarthria, After 3 months of therapy speech is still affected and still cannot walk w/o qualified supervision. Are there any treatments available?
Replied on Monday, December 3, 2012 7:35 PM
Last month, I got injured in my head due to road accident. I found some symptoms in me relevant to ataxia. What should i do next ?
Replied on Saturday, June 21, 2014 2:32 AM