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Diet and nutrition :
Food Additives

Food additives are substances added to food to make it tastier, or better looking, or stay fresh longer. Additives are widely used in food make in factories or commercially. To protect and inform consumers, the additives are assigned numbers and supposed to be listed in the packaging of the food.

You have any question about food additives? Ask health professionals and exchange information with concerned people by joining our online group on food additives.


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1. Is it safe to use the commercially available soup packets for all individuals?

The commercial available soup packets have mono sodium glutamate or ajinomoto in it and are not safe for consumption. The packet has an instruction not to use it for babies below the age of 12 months. Pregnant women should avoid it if possible.

2. What is preferred - buying a ready-made mix or making a fresh product at home?

It depends on the availability of the time. Any product made fresh will taste better but will need some time to prepare. One can control the addition of ghee/oil or sweetness or salt in a product made at home.

3. Sometimes the exact name of the additive is not mentioned. How can we be assured that the additive added is absolutely safe for consumption?

All products undergo rigorous evaluation by various agencies and the products have to satisfy the set criteria before being available in the market.

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