joao_c (Guest)
AT Campo Grande city in Mato Grosso do Sul , a state in Brazil,ie. in Bolivia-Brasilian Border we have a dengue epidemy. The Health authorities spend a minimous budget in epidemic controll. In Brazil( all the country) the government midia's spread that the only manner to combat dengue is the population habits that permmit the spread of mosquito( aedes aegypt). Since 1999 we have bi-annual breakthrough of dengue and now(2009)many denge complications are happened( Dengue Hepatitis,dengue hemorragic fever, diabetes ???). We need an International campaign to war against dengue in south america, the rotary club international may help us like the cruzade against the paralisis. At Campo Grande city the local authority is inert , Dr Luis Henrique Mandetta shame the doctor's and the society. WE need more hospitals( 1 hundred beds)for strategy assistance in the more populations health disctricts in the city. Thanks for your attention and excuse my difficults in english__ JOao C.
Replied on Thursday, June 4, 2009 12:00 AM