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Chronic Renal Failure

When the kidney is no longer able to clean toxins & waste product from blood, chronic renal failure occurs. It is the, otherwise, the gradual and progressive loss of the ability of the kidneys to function normally. The change is irreversible, and often, life-threatening.

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Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic renal failure is a gradual and progressive loss of the ability of the kidneys to function normally. The change is irreversible and is due to loss of nephrons of the kidney. The nephrons are basic functioning unit of the kidney and there are normally about one million nephrons...Read More

Posted on : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 12:00 AM
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the article was good
Replied on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:00 AM
what are the symtoms of kidney failure and can a patient eat the fish to improve the blood or meat or chicken which is mostly advised.Prem
Replied on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 12:00 AM
fish,chicken[except skin and liver and other organs],lean meat,milk,egg white are all okay, but the amount should be limited depending on your kidney function.
Replied on Monday, October 3, 2011 4:17 AM

If you had all the symptoms of acute renal failure listed on Web MD, but none of them were all that bad, and you felt pretty much normal would you go to the Emergency room, wait and make a doctors appointment, or just chalk it up to being overly sensitive and a hypochondriac? acute renal failure symptoms
Replied on Monday, February 7, 2011 12:17 AM
I live in Lakeland, Florida my father has kidney failure he has been on dialyis for two years now which now he is at the ESRD...End stage of renal disease..that is the white lining developes around the kidney and draws up to nothing,no longer functioning.It is a proving fact that the FDA states the three kinds of medication to produce red blood cells is very dangerous and has caused alot of deaths NOTE:IF YOU HAVE HYPERTENION, DO NOT TAKE MEDICATION...Now what do you do for red blood cells???Kidney patients are not surpose to get blood trans..my father has to get blood trans quite often and now he has congested heart failture,which is from the medication to produce red blood cells or blood trans or BOTH...Is this a catch 22 situation??? My Question is..I know there are other things to produce red blood cells.I need to know what they are..I have heard that some steriods produce red cells..Your red cell count is surpose to read 13 to 14 count i believe..last month my fathers got down to 6.9!!!and more fluid developes around the heart...This is terrible..I pray every day for those you have kidney failture I watch what my father goes through..I hope i didnt effect anyone in a bad way with what i had to say in this comment box..Thank You and GOD BLESS...Tammy Hamann............
Replied on Monday, September 26, 2011 1:28 AM
Stem cell can produce red blood cells
Replied on Monday, October 3, 2011 4:14 AM

I am overweight and miserable. I am not currently on dialysis and would like to lose weight. If I eat the current high-protein diet I have been put on, I will never lose weight! HELP.
Replied on Saturday, May 12, 2012 2:00 PM

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