Past 1 yr, had false alarms with chest discomfort, shortness of breath, tightness, squeeeze, split seconds of blacking out. 3 full heart scans, stress ECG, Blood tests - all good results. Am really fed up with this symptom, having it at the moment, what is my problem, docs say it could be gastro problem, how can this last for 48 hours, whereby i can feel my chest area like a playground???
Replied on Friday, May 23, 2008 12:00 AM
Patients with diabetes type 1 often do not have any pain when experiencing heart attack. Their symptons are nausea, extreme fatigue and giddiness, but NO PAIN. Any category 1 diabetic who experiences such symptons should view them as a real emergency and call a medic asap even if you think that the symptons are similar to food poisoning or a touch of influenza. Do not ignore them. YOU COULD BE HAVING A HEART ATTACK.
Replied on Monday, October 19, 2009 12:00 AM
The typical symptoms of chest pain in women are: Chest “tightness,” “squeezing,” or “heaviness.” People describe this feeling as a weight or as a band being tightened around their chest. The pain is usually located on the left side of the chest above the bottom of the ribcage, but it’s often hard to define its exact location. Shortness of breath.Sweating, nausea, and an anxious feeling A pain in the left arm, neck and jaw.
Replied on Monday, October 11, 2010 1:34 AM
The typical symptoms of Chest pain are: Chest “tightness,” “squeezing,” or “heaviness.” People describe this feeling as a weight or as a band being tightened around their chest. The pain is usually located on the left side of the chest above the bottom of the ribcage, but it’s often hard to define its exact location. Shortness of breath. Sweating, nausea, and an anxious feeling A pain in the left arm, neck and jaw.
Replied on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 5:43 AM
 CrazyBasenjiLady (Guest)
I have sudden sharp pain in my chest and then it goes away. It doesn't happen every day and it isn't associated with any other symptom. I plan to tell my doctor at my next visit, but he'll send me to the same old cardiologist who makes me feel like a waste of time.
Replied on Friday, February 1, 2013 11:31 AM
 tonicasweetzz (Guest)
it could be Precordial Catch Syndrome research it or angina
Replied on Friday, March 15, 2013 2:08 PM