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Heart, Blood and Circulatory System

The heart, blood and circulatory system move nutrients, gases, and wastes, to and from cells. They help keep the body alive and healthy and fit to fight disease.

Many heart diseases and circulatory system diseases can be life threatening, and our support group of doctors and patients will enable you to find the help you need.
Support Groups (17)

Anemia / Low Haemoglobin

Generally characterized by fatigue, breathlessness on exertion, palpitations, angina, and a desire to eat sand and clay, anemia is a condition wherein the body’s supply of iron to bone marrow falls dismally short of required levels. There are certain high-risk groups for anemia, such as pregnant women.

To learn more on the causes, symptoms and hazardous nature of anemia, join Medindia’s support group on the subject today.

Blood Donation

A noble gesture to help a fellow human being, blood donation is carried out when a person voluntarily agrees for blood to be drawn with the intention of donating it. This donated blood may be used for transfusions or may be separated into individual components to be used as required.

If you have any concerns on the procedural safety of blood donation, or would like to share your experience with others, join our support group for the same!

Blood Group

The ABO blood group system was discovered by Karl Land Steiner in 1901. This system has classified blood into different types, based on the red blood cells (erythrocytes) and the proteins on their surface. Of the various types of red blood cell antigens - the ABO and rhesus types are the most important.

For all the information you require on blood groups and their newest subdivisions, our support group is where you will find it!

Cardiac Catheterization / Coronary Angiogram

Cardiac catheterization is a diagnostic procedure in which a long thin flexible tube (catheter) is inserted from a blood vessel in your arm or leg and then guided to the heart. Cardiac catheterization can be used to check for narrowing or blockages in the arteries or blood pressure within the heart.

Join this online group to contact experts and others who have undergone the procedure and find out more about cardiac catheterization.

Chest Pain

Chest pain is considered a medical emergency, and it can be a symptom of serious problems with the heart or (more rarely) the lung. Sometimes, it can also be caused by digestive disorders. Pain along with a squeezing feeling in the chest and pain in the left arm, or the left side of the neck or jaw, is always a sign of trouble with the heart and needs immediate medical attention.

Join our online group on chest pain to ask your questions to the experts and learn more about this symptom.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is a kind of leukemia characterized by an uncontrolled growth of the lymphocytes – white blood cells. The cancerous lymphocytes crowd out the normal, disease-fighting white blood cells.

Ask questions and learn more by joining our online support group for chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia / Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia

Chronic myeloid leukemia is a kind of cancer which causes an uncontrolled growth of the myeloid cells in the bone marrow and their crowding in blood. This kind of leukemia is called ‘chronic’ because it progresses slowly, and there are few early symptoms. But if the disease is caught early and appropriate treatment started, the prognosis is good.

Learn more by joining our online group on chronic myeloid leukemia.

Congenital Heart Disease – Septal Defects

Congenital heart disease is a defect in the heart that a baby is born with. The defect may be in the structure of the heart and affect the way blood flows or there may be problems with heart rhythm. Today sophisticated surgery can correct many congenital heart diseases, but it remains one of the leading causes of birth defect-related deaths in babies.

Join our online support group for families of children with congenital heart disease. Ask your questions to experts and share your experiences.

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), commonly called a heart bypass surgery, is done when the arteries of the heart narrow due to plaque formation and are not able to carry sufficient blood to heart muscles. The surgeon uses grafts blood vessel from other parts of the body to make sure the heart muscles get enough blood.

Join our online support group for people who have gone through, or are considering, CABG and their families. Ask your questions to experts and share your experiences.

Heart Attack

A heart attack happens when blood flow to part of the heart is disrupted, causing heart muscle in that area to begin to die. Heart attacks are usually caused by coronary artery disease which makes fatty deposits called plaque build up inside the arteries of the heart.

Join our support group for heart attacks to learn more by meeting doctors and other patients with heart disease who can help.

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piercen54 replied to kamalThakur's discussion post under Why Should we donate Blood. in Blood Donation Support Group - 3075 days back
kamalThakur wrote a discussion post under Why Should we donate Blood. in Blood Donation Support Group - 3100 days back
kamalThakur replied to SyedIbrahimAzwar's discussion post under An ideal Blood Donar in Blood Donation Support Group - 3101 days back
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