I sometimes wonder what is the so called "good" or "bad" in terms of diet.The dietary recommendations keep changing on a day to day basis. I suppose the good old practice of our ancestors to eat timely meals prepared from chemical free ingredients should do the trick.
Replied on Monday, February 19, 2007 12:00 AM
Dear Sir,
Article is excellent. I will be very thankful.
Food restriction is the process which most probably will limit the load of OXYRADICALS in the system thereby postponing the Age Related changes. Please send me the references so that the issue of FOOD RESTRICTION and how it works can be cleared.
Replied on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 12:00 AM
Dear Sir, For the ageing problem to be slow we require the basic natural necessities i.e., clean air, clean water and clean environment. None of the above is present now anywhere in the world except perhaps in Amazon forest and congo forest. There also human beings have gone and slowly spoiling it. So called scientists take quantity x from nature and give back only x-1,2... In Hindu philosophy it is called Yuga characteristics. Nothing can be done except crying from rooftops to stop pollution. IT IS A PITY. HS NARAYANAN
Replied on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 12:00 AM
From decreased death rate to killing cancer cell, a small amount of wine at the end can go a long way when it comes to beneficial effect.
Kills the antioxidants
When choosing your wine for antioxidants, go with white wine preferably
Boost the immune system
Moderate alcohol can zone off infections and improve immune system in check.
Improves bone Density
Red wine has found to be highest levels of silicon, which best for your bone mineral density.
Replied on Wednesday, January 9, 2019 12:11 AM