Asked on : Sat, 12 May 2012
Status : Published
Hello dear doctor!I have all these symptoms already a year,I have had sex only once and I was protected(last january ). After some time I noticed,that after cumming there are some red marks on my penis head(It happens every time I ejaculate).It doesn't hurt,I don't feel anything uncomfortable with it,sometimes the head is very dry(mostly in the morning). After I urinate or wash the head, everything disappears in an hour or two.I don't know what to do,what kind of analyses to take,please help me!! Here are high quality pictures,first 2 are BEFORE masturbating.Third,fourth and fifth are about 5 minutes AFTER ejaculation and the last two photos are after an hour. Plus an hour later everything is as there wasn't anything happened with my penis head. The PASSWORD for the album is- 123456 The photos are here-