Asked on : Mon, 29 Oct 2012
Status : Published
I am 57 years old and my weight is 64 kg. I underwent a bypass surgery last year and since then my heart was beating down (my normal pulse rate is 40-48) which Still continues. There is no pain in my heart, but I'm too tired to sit up or movement. My BP and Sugar remains high for 6 months after surgery & Now I have BP 145/90 and sugar 82/125 But I am worried about my lower heart rate which comes down to 34 sometimes, please suggest a diet or medicine. I'm currently taking prescription drugs Lanoxin 0.25(sometimes i stopped taking it), carvil 3.125, Moxovas 0.3, Planep 25, echospirin 150, Telsive 40, Unistar 75, Anjispan TR, Torget 20 etc. I would like to know whether medicine does any affect to heart beat. Kindly advise based on any side effects/interaction of these drugs. Thanking you.