Asked on : Mon, 10 Sep 2012
Status : Published
Hi, Recently my son who just turned 10 last month was diagnosed with Ambylopia of his right eye.He has 20/400 as his vision with -11 as his power.We have started patching of his good eye, and putting corrective lense and making the activities and some eye exercises.Few of my concerns are 1) Are we too late since he turned 10 2) How long should Occlusion or patching should be done for him.We usually do 2 - 3 hrs of aggressive Patching once he comes back from school.He doesnt wear glasses o school as his normal - left eye has 20/20 vision.Due to the huge disparity between the two eyes and it's vision, glasses were not advised. 3) Are there any specific exercises, to remove the lazy eye, or any vision therapy centers in India? Thank you for our advise.Will eagerly waiting for your response.