Asked By : mutans
Asked on : 23 Jun 2012
Status : published
after hernia after how much time we can resume activities like driving scooter, car, walking stairs? n in how much time swelling subsides of testes area after operation?
Asked By : kkaatt9
Asked on : 08 Dec 2011
Status : published
I take Doxyclcyine once a day. Its going on five days that it feels like the pill is stuck in my throat and it also hurts once it passes down my esophagus near my diaphragm and stomach. Do I need to see a Gastroenterology?
Asked By : jay29
Asked on : 03 Oct 2012
Status : published
I have acidity/indigestion problem for 10 years. Right side of forehead starts paining severly. I tried Omez/Pantaprozole. It works temporarily. Should I continue the course or there any better option?
Asked By : javeed_akhtar
Asked on : 23 Apr 2012
Status : published
Dear Sir i underwent an inguinal hernia operation in early 2007. it reoccurred in mid 2011. i went to a general surgeon who performed operation under local anesthesia. it is now the third day. i see that bulge has not reduced much and the right scrotum still large than the left one. i do not know what operation he has done using the mesh. it should have completely disappeared on the surface. this the forth of operation. i have to visit the surgeon in a day or two. I ould request your expert opinion about the competence of the surgeon or what ?
Asked By : jaysonRN
Asked on : 26 Apr 2012
Status : published
Does drinking alkaline water with PH of 9 can help to aid hyperacidity? Thankyou!
Asked By : statementshome
Asked on : 24 Mar 2012
Status : published
I had a splenectomy about 20 years ago, and as a result, have a 10 inch incision running from the tip of my sternum down to just below my belly button. For the last several months, I have had a very uncomfortable burning sensation, (accompanied by extreme lightheadedness - I've nealy passed out more than once), directly under the top of the incision, particularly following bending or "crunching" my upper abdominal muscles. I'm wondering if this could be an incisional hernia, though there is no bulge. My doctor diagnosed this as a possible ulcer and has had me taking Prilosec, but after months and months of faithful dosing, there has been no change. I don't want to offend my doc by questioning his diagnosis, but I'm wondering if this could be a small hernia??? Any feedback? Thanks!
Asked By : Squeeker
Asked on : 05 Oct 2012
Status : published
When having a large incisional hernia repaired how do you know which MESH is the best? I hear a lot of negative regarding MESH. Also is it true that if you have a cosmetic surgeon accompany your surgeon you get better results in the open hernia repair.
Asked By : Squeeker
Asked on : 05 Oct 2012
Status : published
I am scheduled to have surgery for a large incisional hernia...there is so much talk about MESH and the complications. Which Mesh is the best to us? I have been told because my hernia is so large I will have to use MESH. Also I was told that Cosmetic Surgeons assisting surgeons have good results, anyone heard of this?
Asked By : aksaks
Asked on : 30 Nov 2011
Status : published
I feel fullness even taking a bit of meal. Extraordinary bloating. Unable to release gas or stool. What is my problem? How to get relieved of this problem/?
Asked By :
Asked on : 13 Sep 2011
Status : published
Hi, My baby is 7 months old. He is passing frothy greenish yellow stools atleast 4 times a day. He had this episode around a month back when i ordered a lab test which suggested few pus cells and occult blood in the stool. His pediatrician ran a course of Bacigyl for 5 days. Though it stopped , yet the problem seems to persist as it has relapsed again. I am not sure whether this is bacterial infection or some food allergy. Please provide your valuable inputs