Asked By : vincent4117
Asked on : 12 May 2012
Status : published
Hello dear doctor!I have all these symptoms already a year,I have had sex only once and I was protected(last january ). After some time I noticed,that after cumming there are some red marks on my penis head(It happens every time I ejaculate).It doesn't hurt,I don't feel anything uncomfortable with it,sometimes the head is very dry(mostly in the morning). After I urinate or wash the head, everything disappears in an hour or two.I don't know what to do,what kind of analyses to take,please help me!! Here are high quality pictures,first 2 are BEFORE masturbating.Third,fourth and fifth are about 5 minutes AFTER ejaculation and the last two photos are after an hour. Plus an hour later everything is as there wasn't anything happened with my penis head. The PASSWORD for the album is- 123456 The photos are here-
Asked By : Eureka20
Asked on : 03 Feb 2013
Status : published
I want to loose some weight.....the diet which I follow now consists of oats, fruits, cucumber, green tea and egg whites. I sometimes eat microwaved fish without any oil. Will this diet lead to weight loose? But when I feel hungry I eat Kellogg's corn flakes without milk as snacks....Will it result in weight gain? Is Nutrichoice Thin Arrowroot biscuit fatty?
Asked By : priya123456
Asked on : 19 Dec 2011
Status : published
suggest some medicine about headache
Asked By : neilfarrow82
Asked on : 16 Mar 2012
Status : published
hello. i am having trouble sleeping. i jump at any small click or noise in a silent room but as it makes me jump i get a flash of light in my eyes and is very disturbing. this only seems to happen when drifting off in the dozy stage of sleeping. could any1 help me on this please. thankyou
Asked By : anand2rfst
Asked on : 23 Sep 2011
Status : published
my 70 yrs old mother is suffering from acute filaria on one of her legs. the disease is more than 30 yrs old. is there any treatment for it what is the cost?
Asked on : 15 Sep 2011
Status : published
Hello , My spouse is under preganancy duration and she has completed her 8 and half Months however now in last ultraasound she has been found with MILD OLIGOHYDRAMNIOS .... I am understandble with Internet docs that this is something less fluid where baby present for 9 Months ...I need you assistance to understand in this case how she can avoid this MILD to become Major or sever and what could be the impacts as wel as what are precautions to be taken to get her and baby our of danger
Asked By : Rahman24
Asked on : 25 Jul 2012
Status : published
how can i lose weight...i have 700 calories a day ...but m having a sedentary lifestyle n i cnt change dat...plz tell me a way! i am right now 101.7 kgs n my height is 5'5"...m 30 yrs old and also i have uric acid kidny stone problem due to this problem i have too much pain in my right leg ankulam...plz tell me a good way! Thank you very much
Asked By : kymanoj
Asked on : 18 Dec 2012
Status : published
Dear Experts, I'm of 25 age and getting married in Feb 2013. I'm of 85 kg and my height is 6.1 feet. But these days I'm automatically loosing weight and in the last 20 days I might have lose 5 kg weight. I don't know why I'm loosing so much weight. my diet is normal as earlier and there is not any kind of tension in my mind. But after measuring my weight I'm really nervous and don't know what to do. Please advise. Thanks a lot for your time.
Asked By : rajatentering
Asked on : 02 Oct 2012
Status : published
dear doctor i am 29 male. i had a exposure with a sex worker on 1st may 2012. though i used a condom but unfortunately didnt use it properly. i removed condom after few strokes of intercourse (for a hand job activity) and re-used the same condom after some gap. i am not sure that if i used the same side or not. since it was my first exposure, so i wasnt very sure of things. also, their was no smooch/ kissing involved in the act. after 10 days of this, i noticed a change in my bowel movements (frequent) and had some bad throat. i went to a GP, and he advised me to take PEP. i took PEP for 2 days and then stopped after advice of some other GP. after that i did CMIA test on (always from the same lab) 23 may/ 10 june/ 23 july/ 10 aug. 10 sept/ 18 sept---- index value---- 0.11/ 0.25/ 0.33/ 0.55/ 0.57/0.52. cbc/ lft/kft are normal over this period. changes in overall health: bowel movements are more frequent (twice a day--i was a chronic constipation patient before this)/ acidic stomach as never before/ recent eye infection (august)/ lymph nodes pain remained till june end/ these days a strange headache is hitting me. near neck and behind eyes. it keep coming and going. no fever is noticed. i am not on medication of any sorts. please tell me if i have any reasons to worry? i am planning to get married. please tell me because one more step (1st one to go for sex with a prostitute!) could hit someone else's life too.