Asked By : goutam.blg
Asked on : 13 Nov 2011
Status : published
I am a diabetic taking insulin 16 unit and 12 unit, I am under weight 45 kg and height 165 cm. I need to put on some weight. Please advice
Asked By : Surya010180
Asked on : 22 Mar 2012
Status : published
My penis length is short. But during intercourse it extend the length up to 5 to 6 inch. i could not inter course for long period. I ejaculate within 20 or 25 seconds. After that my penis gets to original position and look so small. Due to this problem,I felt shame to show my penis to my partner after having sex. I never get married. I am now 47 yrs old. I would like to have my life partner now.One lady of 43 old wants to marry me now, but she is expecting a good performer on bed. can I succeed? Mentally some time I feel I can do. But some time I feel I cant. Can you please suggest a treatment for me? please advice.
Asked By : Katyar
Asked on : 27 Jan 2012
Status : published
My BP on 26.01.2012 was 138/106 and today i.e. 27.01.2012 it is 146/96. Both are measure in the doctor Supervision. However on 26.01.2012 the machine was automatic and on 27.01.2012 it is Manual. What should be the correct BP. P.K. Katiyar
Asked By : Lolly
Asked on : 14 Jan 2012
Status : published
I am 20 years old.I am suffering from sneezing continuously (10 times)when morning period after face wash.After bathing,sneezing continuously came.I consult a doctor.He prescribed CITIZEN tablet.Now, it is better.My question is how to control my problem? shall i follow the tablet? what is the name of the problem? help me .Thanx
Asked By :
Asked on : 05 Mar 2010
Status : published
i m 24 years old. i want to know how to treat pimples
Asked By : Harish_Naidu
Asked on : 11 Mar 2010
Status : published
Now-a-days am facin too much of burning sensation in my eyes & sometimes if I sir under fan automatically tears vil roll off... But d fact is my eye sight is proper & perfect vthout any hassles... Should I wanna approach an optician or not??? Pls guide me
Asked By :
Asked on : 12 Apr 2011
Status : published
How long do I have to stay in the hospital after bariatric surgery?
Asked By : Wallacw
Asked on : 08 Sep 2011
Status : published
I got priapism due to injection for doppler that I was not need it at all.Pripism last for 5 hurs uesin injection with relaxtion substance and ice on the penis until erected release.Since this action and I lost the daily morning erection, its become rarely and couldn't stand erected for long time as I used to be before.My doc suggest that I have little question.does this fibrosis extend by time or heal specially one year left w/o there any treatment for my case?
Asked By : mr_sinha
Asked on : 29 Sep 2012
Status : published
My daughter has been diagnosed with dengu with Dengue antigen test coming positive. The platelate count was 285 on 26th sep , 215 on 28th sep and 212 on 29th sep. It has been 7th days she is having continuous fever which goes up to 103 F and after a dose of Calpol 650 it comes down to 100-101. Doctor says the fever will subside in another 2-3 days and there is no need to panic as the platelate counts comes down in the first 4-5 days of the onset and afterwards it does not get affected much . What is your opinion and what should we do next?
Asked By : nagaraja1960
Asked on : 30 Oct 2012
Status : published
I am 52 years old and having gastric problems since 20 - 25 years. I have tried all kinds of medicines like Alopathy, Ayurvedic, Homeopathy etc., but no improvement. Main problem is whateve I eat, lot of gas gets produced in my stomach. I struggle to take this out in the morning by vomiting during face wash and I spend lot of time in the toilet to take this gas out. I have to go minimum twice or thrice to toilet in the morning to empty this gas and also once in the evening. I keep vomiting gas often during day time also to keep my stomach light. I feel hungry time to time and I take food minimum three times in a day and also a light snacks in the evening. I am totally fed up with this problem and feeling very bad. Please advice me a solution to come out of this problem and to get cured.