 CAnonymous (Guest)
I dont believe this for two seconds. Teachers are amongst a profession that works the least compared to other jobs. They work 5 days a week and get all vacations including a few 2 week long vacations and 1 2-3 month long vacation. Who else gets that? Further more teachers use the same lessons year after year. Id also like someone to tell me how hard it is to correct a test. Not very. After the 4th one you know most of the answers by heart and its just boom boom boom done. Teachers also only work around 7 hours a day WITH a 45 minute lunch break, 80 minute study hall and staying after school for one hour [which most teachers dont do.] Frankly im sick and tired of this lie that teachers work so much harder than other professions. If we want to talk about working hard why dont we look at doctors or nurses or hey how about any job requiring manual labor such as landscapers. A teachers job is not hard.
Replied on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 9:36 AM
 TeacherWorkingHard (Guest)
To "CAnonymous": Yes you are correct. The work hours you describe is the time teachers get PAID for. However, it takes a lot of time to develop lessons and find materials and almost all teachers spend a huge amount of their own time working. If you actually read the article you would see that teachers average in a 48 hour work week during the year even when you include their vacation time. I myself am a pre-term teacher and I spend most of my evenings either planning for the next day or marking incoming assignments. What little extra time i have is devoted to EATING and SLEEPING. Tests are the least of what teachers mark, you conveniently forgot about the barrage of papers, projects, and worksheets. Even tests take time as many times there are essay questions involved.
In regards to lunch breaks and study hall, etc, that time is usually taken up with supervision or meeting with students to give them extra help, etc. Most teachers don't even get a chance to sit down and eat their lunch while supervising if they even get to eat lunch at all.
It makes me very angry when someone who clearly has never taught or lived with a teacher has such a strong opinion about something that they clearly know nothing about. You need to show more respect for the people who spend more time with your children then you do.
Replied on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2:23 PM