Shayloves (Guest)
This is a huge disgrace and is no coincidence my people! The system is dark and evil, make no mistake. Lies and fear penetrate women in hospitals and in the whole flip in media telling women that they are weak, powerless and unable to do on their own what we were born to do, what all other animals do with ease. It is our god given right and ability to give birth without the establishment and corrupt doctors pressuring women to have alien births! Watch 'The Business of Being Born', and 'Orgasmic Birth'..Read 'Birth without Violence". Re-educate yourself my people! We are being told lies and giving violent births affect the majorly of our babies with the most harsh and scary welcome into life. C-Sections are intended for Emergencies only! Not for vanity, fear, lies and to just sell-out.
Replied on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:50 PM