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Gastrointestinal System :

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, the gland behind the stomach which produces the acids used to digest food. Alcohol abuse, enzyme disorders, viral infections, and some medicines can lead to pancreatitis. The main symptoms are severe abdominal pain with diarrhea and vomiting.

Find out more about this disease and talk to other sufferers and people and experts who can help by joining our online group on pancreatitis.


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1. Will a patient with acute pancreatitis require a nasal feeding tube?

It may be required if the patient has severe vomiting. Some hospitals also administer feed thru the nasal tube, others do not.

2. Do all cases of acute pancreatitis lead on to chronic pancreatitis?

No, some of them subside completely.

3. Which doctor should I consult if I have a suspected acute pancreatitis?

You could see a general surgeon or a gaster-enterologist.

4. What is celiac plexus block and when is it done foe a pancreatitis patient?

Those with chronic pancreatitis who have severe pain that does not respond to painkillers can be given a nerve block called celiac plexus block. This will block the pain fibers that cause pain in chronic pancreatitis. An anesthesiologist performs this procedure.

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