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Women’s health :

Ovulation is when the egg or ova is released by a women's Ovary, travels through Fallopian tubes, and if a sperm from the male is also present in the tube, fertilization of the egg occurs and the woman conceives.

To know more about this process of ovulation and its signs and symptoms (such as to understand changes of the basal body temperature) sign up for the ovulation support group.


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1. Which doctor should I consult if I wish to know more about ovulation and Fertility?

Please consult a Gynecologist

2. Are there other methods to predict ovulation time?

Yes there are other methods. Ovulation Test Strips - are easy to use and are highly sensitive. Some of these strips claim more than 99% accuracy in predicting ovulation. The best time to use this test is between 2 and 8 p.m. Ovulation Microscopes or Saliva Tests - Like the cervical mucus changes during ovulation, the saliva changes too. During ovulation, the rise in estrogen causes the saliva to become salty and can result in small crystals to be seen through an ovulation microscope. If using this method then you should test the first saliva in the morning for the test.

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