dkotian_1959 (Guest)
If the Government is Sincere in saving the lives of the people, it would have promptly ordered the closure of the Cigarette and Gutka Manaufacturing Companies and instead created other job oppertunities for the people who would become jobless due to the closure of the said tobacco companies.
Government itself is promoting the use of the tobacco, by not closing the companies and now saying the the youngsters have increased the intake of the tobacco inspite of the caution shown in the wrappers and packets of the tobacco products.
Government is allowing the tobacco industry to flourish and blaming the youths that they are not stopping the consumption of tobacco.
Stop the manufacture of tobacco and see the result. Government is making money by allowing flourishing of the tobacco companies and the government is solely responsible for the death of people by consuming tobacco.
Devdas K. Kotian
Replied on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 5:47 AM