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Oligoarthritis / Arthritis In Children / Childhood Arthritis / Juvenile Arthritis

It is a little known fact that even children are susceptible to arthritis. Children with arthritis often find it difficult to cope up with the disease and treatment therefore has to be aimed at restoring the functional activity of the child such. It is also vital to ensure that joint and bone function, vision are preserved to the maximum possible extent.

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Oligoarthritis / Arthritis In Children / Childhood Arthritis / Juvenile Arthritis

Most parents when told that their child has arthritis find it hard to believe it, as arthritis is regarded an adult's disease. This however is not true. Arthritis can affect children as well. Children with arthritis often find it difficult to cope up with the disease and treatment...Read More

Posted on : Friday, November 21, 2008 12:00 AM
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There is not much information here about Juvenile Arthritis.
Replied on Friday, November 21, 2008 12:00 AM

I was 13 years of age when I experienced severe joint pain: the worst was the joint I sat on in class or in a vehicle (one hour trip was excruciatingly painful). Next it was my knees, then shoulders and wrists. The joints were swollen, red and hot to touch. The pain lasted off & on for about 4 or 5 years, then subsided for about 25 years. It started again at about age 45. Now I am 73 and have osteoarthritis in my spine and knees. Is there any help for me, other than just pain killers such as Tylenol?
Replied on Saturday, October 3, 2009 12:00 AM
Most of the time that a child has arthritis it is either Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis or osteoarthritis caused by a trauma to a joint. An infection can also cause arthritis in a joint but it will usually disappear when the infection is treated. Also rarely other forms of autoimmune diseases can cause arthritis in children.
Replied on Friday, June 17, 2011 8:13 AM
When I was 6 or 7, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis was mentioned once when I was taken to the emergency room with joint pain; but was never officially diagnosed. When I was younger, the problem was limited to my knees and ankles. As I got older the pain has increased to my hips, back, shoulders, basically all over. I've always treated it with heat and ibuprofen. I am glad to see that there is finally a diagnosis that fits: Oligoarthritis. Working out helps quite a bit [I have to work through the pain].
Replied on Saturday, March 2, 2013 7:07 AM
Just found information on this subject on another site: - Via Lana, Patient Advocate at ArthritisConnect: "Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints. Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis works somewhat in that manner. Pauciarticular means "few joints." This means that the pauciarticular type of juvenile arthritis involves only a few joints. About half of children with juvenile arthritis have the pauciarticular type. For half of the children with pauciarticular juvenile arthritis, only one joint will be involved, usually a knee or ankle. This is called monoarticular juvenile arthritis. These patients usually have a very mild arthritis and the symptoms may go away or become less noticeable [remit]. In adults acute monoarthritis overlaps with causes of oligoarthritis or polyarthritis since virtually any arthritic disorder can initially present as one swollen joint. Causes of Monoarticular arthritis can be as simple as an overuse injury or fracture to gout, lyme disease, or septic arthritis (bacterial, fungal, or parasitic). And gout does not always just affect the big toe. Moreover, in rheumatoid arthritis, some of the earliest signs of the disease are in the hands and fingers. With RA, the smallest joints, toes and fingers are affected first. So if three months have passed and the pain is there, then more tests are needed to find out what is going on."
Replied on Saturday, March 2, 2013 7:46 AM

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