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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF is often termed “A Boon to the Medical Field” because the technique has been a dream come true for couples longing for a child. In vitro fertilization refers to the process of achieving fertilization between the sperm and ovum in the controlled, artificial conditions of a laboratory.

For more information on the in vitro fertilization process and for support, counsel and guidance on modern techniques, Medindia’s extensively networked support group will come in handy.


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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Of the various treatment options available for the treatment of infertility, none of the treatment procedures have had an impact on the society as much as in vitro fertilization. The use of these reproductive techniques has generated tremendous interest, concern ...Read More

Posted on : Monday, September 19, 2011 2:26 AM
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I had one female child 5 yrs old. Second time I wish to conceive twin male babies. Is there any possibility to conceive twin male babies. Please suggest and assist me if there is any way.
Replied on Monday, September 19, 2011 2:26 AM
In the past decade, individuals have decried the concept of “designer babies” - using genetic manipulation to create kids to parents’ specifications. Critics are slamming the practice for making humans a commodity like a steak, though there are several practical applications involved such as staying away from horrible genetic disorders. Source for this article: Trend of designer babies still alive and well
Replied on Monday, September 26, 2011 3:46 AM
IVF treatments are boon for medical science for the infertile men and women. It offers more chances for getting pregnant with the help of clinical treatments. IVF treatments are getting popularity day by day as in the starting people were not aware about IVF treatments but now sterile couple are showing interest in in-vitro fertilization.
Replied on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 7:16 AM

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