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Hair Loss

Alopecia or hair loss is the medical description of the loss of hair from the head or body, sometimes to the extent of baldness. Unlike the common cosmetic depilation of body hair, alopecia tends to be involuntary and unwelcome.


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Hair Loss

Hair specialist (examining person's head). "Well, I am sorry, Mr. Rao, but your baldness has gone too far. I am afraid the only cure is a transplant. "Don't be daft man, I'd look bloody stupid with a kidney on my head."Hair loss is one of the common problems among all of us....Read More

Posted on : Sunday, December 7, 2008 12:00 AM
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I m havng problm of hairs,i hve hair bt smal n curly thts y i wear a wig. This problm arises whn i was 3 years old. we trid so many thngs like injected 1 injectin a week at 20 places on my head & did ayurvedic,homeopathic also.
But till nw its not being cured.
Kindly suggest me wht is the solution
Replied on Monday, June 30, 2008 12:00 AM

I used to have really good hair till the age of 25 but then suddenly due to some illness I started loosing my hair and I became completely bald. This was the most embarrassing time of my life till the time I got hold of the herbal tonic produced by this company. I used it for like 2 to 3 months continuously and see now I have got my hair back as healthy as ever. Thanks to this amazing make
Replied on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 12:00 AM

Hi Thomas!What sort of herbal tonic are you using? What is the name of the herbal tonic? Cna you tell me its ingredients? Can you tell me where I can buy them from?Thanks
Replied on Friday, April 17, 2009 12:00 AM

Ihave been diagnois with alopecia i have no bald spots only shedding one minute my hair grows in one spot the next week its gone only to be about two inches of growth the crown of my head is not growing at all i dont take any vitamins or to i use any shampoos i use nothing in my hair at all if i take any thing like vitamins i begin to feel weird if i put anything on my hair i feel weird i dont take any drus or i do not smoke cigarettes or any thing else i dont know what the problem is please help oh my blood levels is good and my health please help .
Replied on Sunday, December 7, 2008 12:00 AM
First of all Don`t worry about the reasons behind your hair loss! As we cant be certain about them. The aim of ours is to cure hair loss ASAP. So I`m here to share a useful treatment with you.
Search about Theradome. It is world class laser hair loss therapy. You can use this therapy at the comfort of ur home. So dont worry and take an efefctive action to treat ur hair loss with Theradome Hair Loss Helmet.
Replied on Friday, August 16, 2013 1:35 PM
i tried many a product until i found a product called provillus. its a free trial and u only pay when ur satisfied it works. well, it works so i was happy to pay.
Replied on Saturday, April 11, 2009 12:00 AM
pls tell me the tonic name
Replied on Saturday, August 8, 2009 12:00 AM

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