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Gastrointestinal System :

GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a condition when digestive juices and food go back up the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach) from the stomach. When this happens often (more than twice a week), and it can damage the lining of the esophagus and cause more serious problems.

Talk to others with this condition and experts who can help by joining our online support group for GERD.


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1. Can weight reduction improve symptoms of GERD?

Yes reducing weight, stopping smoking and alsohol intake can improve symptoms of GERD

2. What is the success of fundoplication surgery?

If the surgery is done by a skilled surgeon then the success rate is 50-90%

3. What are the complications of the surgery ?

Difficulty in swallowing, heartburn, bloating,excessive gas are some of the complications that in some cases cannot be totally removed.

4. Is GERD completely curable?

To a large extent GERD can be controlled. If the symptoms persists,then a doctor has to be consulted to further evaluate the situation

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